Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Veretekk V2 Is Being Delivered Right Now!

Veretekk V2 is being delivered right now!

Phase one has already been delivered:

  • In the Gold Veremail section the Freeffa leads are automatically imported into your system, saving you $10 per month and a lot of time. Now you just push a button name the subject and it is done.
  • The Gold Veretekk system now includes a 5 seat fully functional Vereconference Webinar room saving you $30 per month
  • The new Drill that produces excellent back links has replaced the old Hammer.
  • Silver accounts now receive a $10 per month compensation for front line Gold accounts making you $10 per month
  • All CPT incoming emails now route to your Veremail for challenge based verification
  • Veretekk Gold has increased in cost to $54.95 per month by giving you an additional value of $50 per month.
  • The $99 setup fee has been permanently eliminated.
Phase two is underway:
  • Only Gold accounts get a POP account and the new POP accounts will include Spamassasin subject ratings so you can use your email to filter out spam according to your specifications.
  • Silver accounts that do not get logged into every week will automatically be deleted.
  • Gold account leads will automatically be transferred upline to the next Gold system 7 days after a Gold system downgrades to Silver.
  • Unlimited professional Cpanel hosting will be built into Veretekk Gold accounts. A $20 per month value.
  • Remote publishing from Gold Bully Pulpits to Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Veretekk RSS feed system will be installed.
  • A new Social Network compatible Forum will be replacing the old Veretekk forum and be designed to link into the new V2 front end of your Veretekk site.
Phase three:
  • New V2 social network design and interface front end delivered.
  • All new auto responders for all Portals designed to inform and orientate the power of that Portal.
  • A series of self replicating eBooks written by the CEO and top trainers to be used for explaining, teaching and promoting your Portals.
  • The Platinum Control Panel will be able to create groups of Blogger.com Blogs that can be installed in other subscribers Gold Bully Pulpit accounts.
If you wish to learn more about Veretekk and the Veretekk Warriors just watch this recording of this week conference and you will see that we walk the walk not talk the the talk. http://veretekk.com/bully/march-21-2010/

Now if you like what you see and want a free 30 day trial of the gold system follow these steps
1. sign up for a free silver system by clicking here
2. Check you email and confirm your application, you might need to check your bulk email folder or spam box
3. Contact me by calling 386 308 1956 after 6pm EST or leave a message with your username.

I will update your system so when you click on the gold upgrade in the back office your will be offered a free system for 30 days.

David Ogden - Helping people help themselves

Veretekk V2 Is Being Delivered Right Now!

Veretekk V2 is being delivered right now!

Phase one has already been delivered:

  • In the Gold Veremail section the Freeffa leads are automatically imported into your system, saving you $10 per month and a lot of time. Now you just push a button name the subject and it is done.
  • The Gold Veretekk system now includes a 5 seat fully functional Vereconference Webinar room saving you $30 per month
  • The new Drill that produces excellent back links has replaced the old Hammer.
  • Silver accounts now receive a $10 per month compensation for front line Gold accounts making you $10 per month
  • All CPT incoming emails now route to your Veremail for challenge based verification
  • Veretekk Gold has increased in cost to $54.95 per month by giving you an additional value of $50 per month.
  • The $99 setup fee has been permanently eliminated.
Phase two is underway:
  • Only Gold accounts get a POP account and the new POP accounts will include Spamassasin subject ratings so you can use your email to filter out spam according to your specifications.
  • Silver accounts that do not get logged into every week will automatically be deleted.
  • Gold account leads will automatically be transferred upline to the next Gold system 7 days after a Gold system downgrades to Silver.
  • Unlimited professional Cpanel hosting will be built into Veretekk Gold accounts. A $20 per month value.
  • Remote publishing from Gold Bully Pulpits to Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Veretekk RSS feed system will be installed.
  • A new Social Network compatible Forum will be replacing the old Veretekk forum and be designed to link into the new V2 front end of your Veretekk site.
Phase three:
  • New V2 social network design and interface front end delivered.
  • All new auto responders for all Portals designed to inform and orientate the power of that Portal.
  • A series of self replicating eBooks written by the CEO and top trainers to be used for explaining, teaching and promoting your Portals.
  • The Platinum Control Panel will be able to create groups of Blogger.com Blogs that can be installed in other subscribers Gold Bully Pulpit accounts.
If you wish to learn more about Veretekk and the Veretekk Warriors just watch this recording of this week conference and you will see that we walk the walk not talk the the talk. http://veretekk.com/bully/march-21-2010/

Now if you like what you see and want a free 30 day trial of the gold system follow these steps
1. sign up for a free silver system by clicking here
2. Check you email and confirm your application, you might need to check your bulk email folder or spam box
3. Contact me by calling 386 308 1956 after 6pm EST or leave a message with your username.

I will update your system so when you click on the gold upgrade in the back office your will be offered a free system for 30 days.

David Ogden - Helping people help themselves