Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Watch Those Vegtable oils

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss
Are Vegetable Oils Killing You

Our diets have changed dramatically through the ages, early mankind were hunter gathers eating a lot of fish and meat as hunter gatherers, however nowadays a lot of livestock is bred for consumption and fed on cereal grains and everyone uses vegetable oil. The result is that the ratio between omega 6 and omega 3 has changed from 1-1 to more like 20-1 or more.

The result is we are more susceptible to inflammation based diseases, like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. One only has to look at vegetable oils such as sunflower oil which as 65% omega 6 content to realise the health danger in out midst. I personally use coconut oil which has only 4% omega 6

You really need to keep these fatty acids in balance, the key to remember is that omega 6 causes inflammation and omega 3 fights inflammation, so you need to watch out for all those cooking oils, salad oils and of course soybean oil an American favourite with fast food.

Omega 3 the good fatty acid comes from seafoods which I cant eat, so i have to get mine ether from cod liver oil capsules, that horrible stuff my mother used to force me to take as a child, or from Flaxseed oil

Recent statistics indicate that nearly 99% of people in the United States do not eat enough omega 3 fatty acids. However, the symptoms of omega 3 fatty acid deficiency are very vague, and can often be attributed to some other health conditions or nutrient deficiencies.

Yours In Health

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Marketing your Business

Marketing your Business

Yesterday I attended a webinar from T. Harv Eker, about the changing face of business as it seems that you need to choose carefully what you do, and aim to make money in five years and then sell and move on. This is a completely new mindset for me as I have looked to taking up to 3 years to make a profit, whereas the trend now is to return a profit within the first year.

One important aspect is the need to fully understand the business and opportunity you are going to promote and advertise, you can no longer rely on copy and pasting company provided sales pages to do your online selling you have to write your own advertising copy.

Many people do not know where to start, if you ask them to write about their business, so I generally recommend they start by writing about themselves and why they became involved with the business they are promoting. Having introduced themselves with one or two posts, they then need to start writing about the products and services they are providing.

One way to do this is to take the stock sales page and then rewrite it taking out the hype and buy now pitches and just supply one link in the signature area. As knowledge of their business grows they can expand into other areas, like providing answers to some common questions or features of their products.

You need to put yourself in the place of a potential customer what kind of questions do they have, what goes into products, what are the main features of your service, how does using the product or service benefit your customers.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@] gmail.com
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Advertise Your Business

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Marketing your Business

I continue to be amazed that people join opportunities, social groups, websites etc and then do nothing. I even wonder why most of them even bother to fill in the forms to sign up.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that some sites do not provide enough information about their product or service until they have captured your details, so that you can be added to an autoresponder which will pummel you into submission until you either take action or unsubscribe yourself.

One of my main businesses is the provision of a suite of marketing tools that costs $54.95 per month which includes everything you need to successfully market your business on the Internet, however people still sign up and do nothing, despite the fact that I include step my step instructions ,both in written and short video clips on what they need to do. Whenever there is a system update, it is added to the instructions.

The latest addition to the tools is a collection of blogging templates called VerePress, which can collate information from friends in Veretekk and other social groups such as Twitter and Facebook and Youtube. You can fully customise the look and feel from your back office in Veretekk hosting, to meet your needs in marketing your business. I just wonder how many people will make the effort to subscribe and use it.

Without marketing you will not make sales, and even with the best marketing system in the world you will not succeed unless you use it. Yes there is a lot of automation which can help you spread the word about your business, but you still need to write or get someone else to write your advertising copy, before the automation can be switched on.

I always recommend taking time to learn the basics including learning how tools work so that you can then uses them to market your business. You see, with a home based business model, I get to choose my pay, when I get a raise and how hard I would like to work. When building a business in the beginning, it is extremely important to work as hard as you can with "productive work" as opposed to "busy work".


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@] gmail.com
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss
Milk and bone health

Now I was always brought up to know that milk is good for you and helps build healthy bones, but it seems that this is wrong, its a bit late for me anyway. Apparently a group of doctors in the USA think that:-

"Milk is high in sugar, high in fat and high in animal protein"
— all of which counters its purported benefits to bone health, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine argues.

Many people throughout the world drink milk because of its calcium content, however there is no proof that taking calcium in milk improves bone growth, there are in fact better ways of including this nutrient in your diet by eating beans or cereals.

The amount of calcium your body ultimately absorbs from food depends on a variety of other factors, including your genes, how much vitamin D you get, how much you exercise, and other dietary influences, some products which contain animal protein, sodium and caffeine prevent calcium absorption.

One of the best ways of improving bone health is to exercise especially weight bearing exercise like walking, running or jumping a rope is a key contributor. The problem is people are lazy, nowadays kids seem more interested is playing virtual games on phones and ipads during breaks, so fall far short of the recommended hour of daily exercise — which helps explain why more than a third of American adults and 17% of kids and teens are obese.

I stopped outside my sons school the other day and was amazed at how fat the children looked compared with my childhood where 30 minutes of exercise was the normal start to the day.

Healthy weight loss also helps improve bone strength, as do refraining from smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Yours In Health

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fr ee Millionaire Maker Seminar

Marketing your Business
"When Opportunity meets Preparation!"

This coming Saturday Tom Prendergast will be sharing the work he have been doing bringing powerful marketing to bear on your behalf. Here is a summary via bullets what to expect at this event:

  • Multiple campaigns in progress
  • Bulk Email campaigns, tracking, capture sites
  • Display ads (like banners), tracking, capture sites
  • Symbiotic campaigns, SEO and Social Marketing groups in an ad campaign via content and back links
  • Symbiotic groups participation via co-op funding.
  • Multiple tracking
  • Back linking Manager
  • Forum Posting Manager
  • Campaign Manager
This event will help lay the foundation of your Veretekk system coming into her own as the "only" fully featured automated digitally enhanced advertising agency for your exclusive use.

He is in the process of building a huge flotilla of running ad campaigns, including, bulk email services, display advertising, link exchanges, forum ads, radio advertising, etc.

Get first crack at joining the co-op at low un listed rates, Explode your business. Get in on the revolution of our Symbiotic groups and have fist place status for upcoming opportunities and new campaigns.

This is the promise of Veretekk and you can feel it coming like a freight train.

This coming Saturday at 2pm PST. Tom will be conducting the event. Will you be there too? I will

Our special guest this Saturday is accomplished billionaire and philanthropist, compassionately known to all as "Mr. Costa Rica" because of his humanitarian deeds for children, women, and families.

Having grown up as a street person living in condemned buildings he defied all odds as he earned his first million at the age of 27. Today he continues to amass wealth driving many of his businesses to the top, some in as little as 60 days! Integrated Marketing since 1995.

After this event at or around 3pm PST Tom will be conducting a full scale V2 orientation. If you want to know how the V2 system works, this is the event. Recording of the Orientation will be allowed.

To join the conference, just just go to Veretekk™ system scroll down to the bottom for the calendar. Login there.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@] gmail.com
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

When we learn to motivate other people, our own motivation will increase greatly. This is the fuel that keeps me motivated on a ongoing basis. In order for me to achieve great success in my own home based business I must be able to help other people in theirs by keeping them motivated through training and mentoring.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss
Organic Food

Organic foods are growing in popularity, going green is better for the environment and your health.

Have you ever looked at where you food comes from, because counties have different rules and regulations before food is deemed organic. In some counties the surrounding areas and what is grown there, together with a time period of using no fertilizer are taken into consideration. Now I live in the Philippines and there are a lot of local products but I would not consider them organic apart from the ones in my own garden. If you go to a supermarket you can find foods labled organic, but check the source, like a growing number of items they often come from China.

The problem is that China doesn't ensure that "organic" products meet the USDA or western countries health standards.

Food manufacturers in the US must meet the USDA's requirements of how a product is grown, processed, and handled. When you see "organic" on packaging, it ensures that no chemical pesticides were used and that the food was made in environmentally-friendly conditions.

Manufacturers from China, on the other hand, don't follow the same protocol. They have "organic" on the label, but no one is actually inspecting or verifying this to be true.

China's over-use of pesticides has contaminated both the food and the land. What's more, human waste is widely used in farms as fertilizer, which is a potential source of deadly bacteria, such as E. coli.

In addition to dangerous chemicals and sewage, Chinese groundwater is terribly contaminated. It's estimated that 10% of China's groundwater is contaminated by arsenic and/or lead. And it's this same groundwater that is used in growing the crops that are found in stores.

Yours In Health

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Marketing your Business
Creative Writing

I do not know what it is about Internet marketing but the same questions are repeated time and time again in various forums about items such as back linking and no matter what answers are given, the question is raised again and again.

I have come to the conclusion that very few people are interested in the answers, perhaps they post to the forums to get backlinks.

When someone asks me for help in marketing their business I usually start with a test project. I discuss with them how they are marketing, what kind of keywords they are targeting and then show them two tools which I use every day a classified site and a simple web page builder. I then ask them to create 1,000 classified ads and 500 single webpages to promote their business

The creative writing project needs to be completed for the following reasons.

  • To learn how to build backlinks
  • To learn creative writing for the Internet techniques
  • To prove to me they can follow instructions and are prepared to put in the time and effort to market their business
  • to get into the habit of being able to write blog posts on a regular basis.

Some people are gifted and able to write thousands of words on a subject, but most can't. I for one like normally like to write as few words as possible, but this approach does not work when you are writing for the Internet. Few people will read your beautiful crafted classified ad, so do not try selling or use pictures, what you need to do is provide information in answer to what people are searching for. Now search engine spiders are avid readers and will follow all your links seeking more information, the better the quality of the content, the more often they will return and the higher your site will rank.

One method I use is to precis an article or document, rewriting it in my own words, some people use spinning software to rewrite information but I prefer to avoid this as you tend not to read the article so you are not learning yourself. As time passes you will often discover that a news or article headline will be just the thing that will spark your creative writing for your next blog.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@] gmail.com
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss
More Tips

Keeping a food journal is the number one way to obtain healthy weight loss you will be amazed at how those little snack add up. In one USDA study, women underestimated their daily consumption by 700 calories!

Did you know that when you are under stress your body craves more sugar, I know my favourite comfort food is dark chocolate, and unless you are careful this will greatly increase your stomach fat, so do whatever it takes to reduce stress in your life. You could do what I do if stress is getting on top I go out for a bike ride, the exercise is also beneficial.

Do not believe what labels say

You'd think food labeled "healthy" or "low calorie" would be a dieter's best friend. Not really, says Brian Wansink, Ph.D., of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University.
It seems your must carefully study the small print in the nutrition label, most people underestimate organ food and low fat food my 40-50%, so if you estimate the calories for these so called health food double them and you will be on track. Also watch out for the calories in so called protein drinks and smoothies, slick sales words often hide the truth.

A think you can say that when seeking healthy weight loss the adman is not your friend, so know how nice things come in small packages, we one is always tempted to open them for example mini toberlerone's or mars bars, avoid them at all cost.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, July 16, 2012

How To Reduce Athritis Pain

Original Article @ David Ogdens Blog

Nopalea Cactus Juice
Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief

You diet is not a cure for Arthritis, however it can help relieve pain and inflammation. Below are seven food that are good for Arthritis suffers and will help reduce the pain and also help you lose weight at the same time.

People who suffer from arthritis are familiar with the pains, cracks and pops define the condition. But small changes in your diet can yield big rewards in managing the disease.

"Food isn't a panacea, but some can make your joints healthier," says Leslie Bonci, R.D., director of Sports Nutrition in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh.
You may not be able to give up on pain relievers, however a diet rich in these foods can make you healthier and maybe lighter. After all, every pound you carry around your belly puts 10 pounds of pressure on your joints.
  1. : Fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines) or any other food with omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, soy beans, flax seeds, canola oil and pumpkin seeds Why it's a good arthritis food: Omega-3s decrease the production of chemicals that spread inflammation, plus they inhibit enzymes that trigger it

    Fatty fish also contain vitamin D, which helps prevent swelling and soreness.

    When the Women's Health Study followed 30,000 women for 11 years, researchers found that those who got less than 200 international units (IU) – about 3 ounces of sardines – of vitamin D a day from their diet were 33% more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than women who got more.

  2. : Extra-virgin olive oil:

    Why it's a good arthritis food: Olive oil contains oleocanthal, which blocks enzymes involved in inflammation.

    About 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil acts like one-tenth of a dose of ibuprofen, according to a study at the Monnell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. That may not be much, but small dietary changes add up.

  3. : Sweet peppers, citrus fruits and other vitamin C-rich foods

    Why it's a good arthritis food: Vitamin C protects collagen, a major component of cartilage. Inadequate amounts may increase your risk for some kinds of arthritis.

    Canadian study of 1,317 men found that those who got 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C through food or supplements daily had a 45% lower risk of gout (a painful condition also known as gouty arthritis) than those who consumed less than 250 milligrams a day.

    "Foods that are high in vitamin C have other plant nutrients that you won't get from a vitamin C supplement," Bonci says.
    Broccoli and cauliflower, for instance, have a chemical – indole-3-carbinol – that may protect us from certain cancers, including breast cancer.

  4. Brazil nuts Why it's a good arthritis food: Brazil nuts contain huge amounts of selenium – 272 micrograms in just three or four nuts, compared to 63 micrograms in 3 ounces of tuna.

    For example, a 2005 University of North Carolina study found that the participants with the highest levels of selenium had a 40% lower risk than those with the lowest levels.

    Low selenium may also be linked to rheumatoid arthritis. The mineral helps antioxidants clear out cell-damaging free radicals, aids the regulation of the thyroid gland and may prevent cancer.

  5. Onions and leeks Why it's a good arthritis food: Onions and leeks contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may inhibit inflammatory chemicals, much like aspirin and ibuprofen do. But research is limited, Bonci says.

  6. Tart cherries Why it's a good arthritis food:
    "This old wives' tale now has science to back it up," Bonci says.
    A University of Michigan study suggests that a diet plump with tart cherries can cut inflammation in animals by 50%. And a 2009 study at Baylor Research Institute in Dallas found that 56% of patients with osteoarthritis had more than 20% improvement in pain and function after taking cherry pills for eight weeks.

    The magic ingredient is anthocyanins, the pigments that give cherries – and grapes, black raspberries and eggplant – their vibrancy. They're also powerful antioxidants that cut inflammation.

  7. Green tea Why it's a good arthritis food: Studies show that certain antioxidant compounds in the brew lessen the incidence and severity of arthritis.

    One University of Michigan study found that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) lowers production of inflammation-causing substances in the body that cause joint damage in arthritis sufferers.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
trivita [@] theinterbiz.com
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Trivita  |  A Taste of Nopalea  |

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Top SEO Results Tips
Marketing your Business

Many people starting a new business online are at a loss as to what to do to get their new site selling xyz widgets to the top of Google and other search engine. One of the most common ways is to use pay per click(PPC), however this can soon ramp up costs especially on a competitive area.

Now we know that providing good content is one of the keys and backlinks is another, so we need to meld these two area together in order to maximise our results. Hopefully before you started to build your website you did some comprehensive research about xyz widgets and have a list of keywords that you are going to use for marketing your business

The best kind of back link to build is one that comes from a site with a low Alexa ranking or high page rank, which also contains information about the keyword in your link. Of course the keyword must have content on your own page.

The strategy I use and advise others to use is to place a thousand classified ads and build five hundred one page websites linking into the site I wish to promote, now this might sound like a big task, but by the end of it you will have built a solid foundation for your business and also improved your keyword writing skills.

You can also build back links by putting a signature block on any blogs you post, so that when you share them on social sites more links will be built, by what I call silent marketing of your business

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@] gmail.com
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Weight Loss Myths

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss
Weight Loss Myths

It would seen that advising people to eat 5 small meals a days is not a good idea, because within a short period of time these small meals turn into full size meals, which often have the reverse effect of putting on more weight. What is needed is to eat 3 normal healthy meals plus two snacks recommends nutrition counselor Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD.

"Real meals stave off hunger. If you eat tiny bits throughout the day, you're hungry all the time."

Now I have always recommended that people use smaller plates to help reduce the amount and in fact I use small plates myself. however research at Texas Christian University Fort Worth Texas has indicated that plate size does not matter people continue to eat until they are no longer hungry if food is available. What you need to do is to only prepare and cook measured amounts of food and ensure other food is kept out of the way of temptation.

The secret to healthy weight loss is not to jump from one plan to another but adopt a life style plan that works for you.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Top SEO Results Tips
Marketing your Business

Today I am going to explain about some new features of the V2 marketing system which you will find quite useful for marketing your business. the first one is an internal messaging system which you can use to keep in contact with your friends or with any of the social or business groups that you belong to.

One of the main problems that face many people is keeping in touch with their contacts, yes you can use email, but it might not always get through. I have used Skype for many years, as its instant, however as your organisation grows it can become a distraction, with alerts of new messages interrupting what you are doing.

Veretekk messaging provides a great solution you can send a message to friends or groups on veretekk, and they appear under the message section of your dashboard. At then same time an email will also be sent out to recipients, also with a link back to the site or group. This belt and braces system ensure your message get through.

The second feature is a video upload area, now video is a great enhancement for marketing your business, not only can you share your favourite Youtube videos but you can make and upload your own. The video section of of your dashboard and profile allows you to select and display a variety of videos with diverse sections on marketing, just for fun, opinion, politic, training and instruction and software demonstration. its a great place to share and learn.

Always remember when making friends with fellow veretekk members you are enhancing and building backlinks to your blog, as one of my friends say:

Network marketing is a wonderful idea for entrepreneurs to think about when starting or looking at a particular business model. The benefits of network marketing gives people the ability to start a business from the ground up with very little overhead or investment on their part without the need to hold inventory. This of course means that there is no need to carry or ship products to customers. Network marketing allows the customers of a particular company the opportunity to become distributors who spread the word about the company's products creating the perfect model for any home based business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@] gmail.com
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Friday, July 6, 2012

Obesity a growing problem

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss

We are what we eat, I blame the developed western world for the spread of obesity in the the form of fast food, convenience foods and TV dinners.

Obesity is an epidemic sweeping the world. Living in the provinces of the Philippines it easy to see that the local diet of rice, seafoods and local vegetables produce lean people, however move towards the towns and cities where the influence of fast food has taken hold, it is an entirely different situation. Fast food is becoming the norm and the results are clear to be seen fat obese bodies. Now it use to be only westerners living here that were fat but now the locals have joined them and to make it worse the younger children are all clamouring for fast food.

I wrote a blog not that long ago about the Mayor of New York seeking to ban the sale of oversized soda's, But it is time that governments started to take action on unhealthy foods, in the same way as smoking.

Billions of dollars are spent on medical care to deal with obesity and associated effects such as diabetes, so its about time the fast food retailers were taxed, this would increase the cost of fast food and perhaps people would then start to return to their roots and eat healthier option.

We are seeing the start of carbon taxes to help protect the environment so why not a tax to protect peoples health.

Tonga a small island in the pacific is a great example of what is wrong

The prevalence of obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes and hypertension is very high and increasing in the Pacific. Tonga is among the top five countries worldwide in terms of obesity, with 84% of Tongan males and 93% of females classified as overweight or obese....... The disease pattern is changing as a result of marked changes in diet, reduced physical activity and other obesogenic behaviours and environmental factors. The current health care budget is already compromised with over 60% being used for the management of non-communicable diseases.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Productive work is what will make you money for the long term. Busy work is a waste if time which has no guarantee. Of course in the long term, that so called Òbusy workÓ might pay off; yet, in the start of building a business from home it is crucial to use the phone and talk to real people and have actual conversations to build rapport and trust. This is the key to building a successful home based business.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

healthy weight loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Heathy Weight Loss
Home Exercise

Everyone should know by now that regular exercise forms an important part of not only healthy weight loss, but is vital to improve your lifestyle.

Since I moved to the Philippines a year ago by exercise routine has suffered as I have not found a gym with a suitable power rower machine, which I regard as the best all round exercise. I have recently started exercising in the home doing pushups, as my legs get exercise when I am on my bike which I use about town. But I have now worked out how to improve my fitness regime.

  • Warm up
    Jogging on the spot for 5 minutes, lifting you knees high, then stretching your arms overhead and circling your arms four times.
  • Push ups
    three set of 8-10 repetitions, best done on the floor but you could do them against a wall or with palms on a chair to reduce the angle.
  • suitcase lift
    Stand a medium sized suitcase on one end and squat down hold the sides of suitcase between you hands. Then stand up keeping your abs tight and back straight. Repeat ten time to strengthen upper body and legs.
  • Chair Triceps Push up
    sit on front edge of chair with feet on floor and knees at right angles and palms on front of chair, or if you have an office chair with arms, hands on the arms. Straighten your arms 10-20c times or until you can do no more. this will strengthen your your arms, core and leg muscles.
  • Biceps Bag Lift Curl
    Use a shopping or tote bag with a few items inside to add weight. hold one handles in one hand with palms towards your front, curl your arm up to your shoulder, repeat ten to twenty times with each arm
  • Stretching
    finally do the following to stretch out your muscles to cool down:-
    stand up and place heel of one foot on a chair and straiten your leg, push down gently on knee to stretch out leg.
    Hold a Towel or belt stretched out above you head with straight arms and bend body sideways.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Life in the philippines

Life in the Philippines
Tropical storms

Once again this week a tropical storm has been hanging around the Philippines, with the result that there tends to be heavy rain in the evenings, just when I settle down to catch up on the latest news on TV.

The satellite systems sold here have far to small a dish to receive a good signal when it rains and it is something that the providers need to address, it also effects cable suppliers in the provinces as well as virtually all content is bounced of satellite at some point apart from local channels.
I have subscribed to Expat TV which allow me to watch programs from the UK on my computer and I starting to think that I might ditch my satellite, as the Internet is not effected by the weather, unless of course the power or phone lines are damaged by falling trees.

Last week I had a meeting with the local electricity supplier and they agreed to take up my complaint about how they calculated my deposit with their Board. A number of other items were discussed, including their website which is still under construction, as they have a vacancy. I made a suggestion that is they removed links from the site to pages which were not complete, visitors would have a better browsing experience.

For some time now I have been searching for ways for people to be able to improve life in the Philippines, and yesterday when out for a visit to the beach we stopped off at a restaurant in Dapitan city, where a business presentation was being held. As we finished our lunch, I asked for an information pack, as it maybe something that I could build as a local source of income.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

How Too Productively Work your Home Business

There are different methods and strategies which people use when building a home based business. Some use email marketing as their primary method while other people spend time writing articles much like this one. These two methods set out for long term results and are not as productive as using the phone, holding small business conferences (on or offline), or introducing a person face to face about your products or services.