Saturday, March 31, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Cure for Flabby thighs

Many women have a tendency to store fat in their thigh area. Some women are more prone to having flabby thighs than others. That is where weight loss tips for toning flabby thighs for women can help. But, if you have flabby thighs, then you understand the embarrassment and misery that comes along with having them. The appearance of built up fat on thighs can be hideous, and no one is going to tell you that, but it is the truth.

Flabby thighs is an indication that you are overweight. Being overweight can lead to low self-esteem, which can lead to depression. From there, more serious health problems abound. It all comes down to one thing, and that is total body weight loss. Toning flabby thighs and a total weight loss program go hand in hand. How can you go about getting rid of your flabby thighs for good?

Start by looking at looking at what is making you fat. Your thighs are just where your body stores it's fat, so no amount of toning exercises are going to make too much of a difference. Toning exercises will definitely serve purpose as far as toning loose muscle, but your flabby thighs won't allow that to happen until the fat is gone.

Do you drink too many soda pops? Do you eat chocolate almost everyday? Are you even the least bit physically active? We all know deep down inside what is causing us to be overweight; it is just a matter of accepting the truth.

Eating fast food everyday for lunch certainly will not do your flabby thighs any justice. Focus on elimination of your bad habits. It is simple just stop practicing them. Learn how to say,"no". Next, think of some ways that will help you to lose weight. But, they must be healthy ways.

Magic diet potions and pills can be very dangerous, and even deadly, so stay away from those. It is all about keeping it as simple as possible. Exercise is the only way to real weight loss, and even more importantly, high metabolism.

When your metabolism kicks in, it is literally like your automatic fat burning switch has been turned on. Right now as you are sitting and reading this, your fat burning switch is most likely turned off. All the while, your body is storing fat in those very noticeable places, like your thighs. If you aren't used to exercising, then start off slowly. You will need to do at least 30 minutes per day ongoing physical activity. However, you do not have to do it all at one time. You might want to try breaking it up into three 10-minute sessions, or two 15-minute sessions. Whichever you can stick with the best is what will be right for you.

For toning your flabby thighs, squats are the way to go. When you perform a squat, make sure that you choose a reasonable weight that will make a difference. Let it be an amount that you can lift comfortably at least 10-12 times. For fat loss, perform your cardiovascular activity before your weight lifting sessions for better elimination of your flabby thighs.

Try not to exceed six sets per exercise to ensure that you do not overwork the muscle and cause damage. Always rest in between weight lifting workouts, and if the muscle is sore, definitely give it a few more days before working it out once more. You are going to end up with the most attractive, tight and toned thighs you could have ever imagined being a possibility if you stay consistent with your weight loss goals. You need good weight loss system that will help you to get the body you want and deserve.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Friday, March 30, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

America's greatest public health issue is obesity. In fact, around 68 percent of adults in the United States are overweight or obese and one third of adult Americans never engage in any physical activity. Obesity is a major contributor to health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, musculoskeletal disorders, hypertension, cancer and low self-esteem leading to depression. Working days lost to obesity are increasing every year. One study estimated that every severely obese worker costs the economy $1,627 per year as a result of absenteeism. In 2008, lost productivity and medical costs associated with overweight and obesity in U.S. adults totaled $147 billion. Now however, there's a corporate benefit that could make a real difference to reducing obesity in the workplace.

Today's workplace environment promotes sedentary lifestyles with many people working long hours seated in front of computers and employees taking more sick days due to weight-related illnesses. American businesses are now offering Slimming World membership to employees as part of an overall benefits package intended to help reduce obesity by promoting a healthier lifestyle and enhancing wellbeing right in the workplace. This proven program has a real advantage for companies: Slimming World's weight loss program can raise employee retention, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, attract new employees and ultimately boost the bottom line.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Getting started

Many people come up with all kinds of excuses for not including exercise as part of their weight loss campaign, however it is an essential element and contrary to most peoples ideas does not mean going to a gym or requiring special equipment.

A visit to your doctor is the very first thing one should do. A thorough checkup will verify that one has no physical restrictions in regard to an exercise regimen. The doctor may prescribe additional tests before giving the go ahead and may also recommend a nutritionist.

When setting up a workout schedule you will need to create a balance between cardiovascular exercise and weight training. The workout schedule does not have be in a gym. One can simply start an exercise regime by walking around the neighbourhood. As one becomes more fit, an individual can increase the challenge by moving into a trot, a jog and then a run. One can also build stamina by working out for longer periods.

Weight training can be accomplished by using free weights bought in a store. Many people use household items for weights also. For example, a gallon of milk weighs approximately eight pounds. A bag of sugar or flour weighs five pounds. One can also join a gym and use the weights there. A trainer can help customize a workout schedule to meet an individual's specific needs.

An expert in nutrition can help design a system an individual to make sure the body gets all the calories it needs. A physician can calculate exactly how many a person requires for a safe weight loss experience. This is an important factor in weight loss because the body needs a specific number of calories in order to function at its best.

Healthy weight loss plans fail because people have unrealistic expectations. They want to lose too much weight too quickly. Doing it that way is sure to fail. A physician or nutritionist will advise how many calories your body type requires, what kind of foods to eat in order to lose a certain amount of pounds a month. A gym instructor will show an individual how to use the equipment specific to certain muscles. The fitness expert will make a plan to work out those muscles.

If a person follows the advice of the experts around him or her, they will reach their healthy weight loss goal. At the conclusion of studying what is written on the Internet or at the library, the plan for success is created. Once the workout routine and dieting plan are underway, the body begins to transform into a fit one of ideal weight and health.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Marketing Dashboard

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

I can hardly wait for for the weekend to arrive in order to evaluate my new business dashboard, it is something that many people dream about owning.

Anyone who has been advertising their business online for a number of years will probably have collected or used many different programs and pieces of software to develop their business. The problem is they are not designed to work together. You might have built a site on Wordpress, hosted at Godaddy with an auto responder from Aweber and a conference room from goto meeting. You have made sales videos at You Tube and keep in touch with your friends, via Facebook, Twitter and Skype. Does this sound familiar.

You end up retyping or copying information from one system to another which can be very time consuming. you probably also have developed an number of online profiles on different system which you try to keep up to date.

Now just suppose there was a intuitive system which from the outset has been designed not only to get your message out there but also to gather leads and enable you to keep in touch with like minded people, to whom you can turn to for advice on many diverse subjects at any time of the day or night.

Well one of my catch phrases has been

Turning your Dreams into Reality

So watch this space for more news

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Inflammation and Weight Loss

Original Article @ David Ogdens Blog

Nopalea Cactus Juice
Inflammation and Weight Loss

If you think it's no big deal when your hands swell or your rings don't fit a couple of hours after you eat – think again! That bloated feeling probably means you ate something that gave you inflammation. Don't just pass it off as thinking you ate too much. If you want to feel better, you need to figure out what it is that made you feel that way so you'll know what to avoid.

Inflammation can have a serious impact on your health. Chronic inflammation can speed up the aging process, because it floods the tissues with free radicals and promotes the destruction of normal cells.

So what can you do to prevent inflammation? The first thing you need to do is go to the bathroom. After you weigh yourself, try eating something different that might be a problem for you – but only one thing. When you get on the scale the next day, you'll know you have inflammation if your weight jumped up. And since you only added one new food, you'll also know which food caused the inflammation.

You may be surprised at some of the foods that most people think are healthy but are actually reactive for a lot of people. Greek yogurt is a great example. Greek yogurt is 85 percent reactive, which means most people shouldn't eat it. Some other highly reactive foods include cottage cheese, asparagus, tomatoes and turkey.

On the other side, there are foods that can help reduce inflammation, like lemon juice in water or on salad to help cleanse the liver. It's also important to drink plenty of water.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
trivita [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Trivita  |  A Taste of Nopalea  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Step Change in Marketing

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

In a few days time a revolution in Internet marketing is going to occur, no its not something that that you have to sell to friends and family with promises of wealth. it is what I like to refer to as a marketing dashboard.

The system has been under development for a number of years and will be launched in beta on 1st April, so what does the system do, well its a great productivity tool and will not only save you time but will also enable you to keep you companies message in front of potential clients and customers, via many forms of media at the push of a few buttons.

You will be able to spend more time researching content for your informative blogs and articles but at the same time keep in touch with with people in your social circles and business associates.

I have watched the development of this project since its inception and I am completely blown away. What is about to be delivered is much more than initially anticipated and will provide a virtually seamless applications including hosting, training, conference rooms, autoresponders, videos, blogs, business opportunities, 24/7 support for a fixed monthly fee.

You will no longer have to mix and match applications across a number of different websites and if you add or modify a piece of information the changes will be reflect across the who system, which is why I call it my marketing dashboard.

Watch this space for more news

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Exercise

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Exercise for weight loss

There are two main types of exercise that you can do – aerobic and anaerobic. The first one, aerobic, means with oxygen. Aerobic type exercise has an important distinction, it burns fat as the main fuel.

Anaerobic on the other hand, burns sugar as the main source of fuel. Despite common myths, exercise doesn't have to be drastic in any way to provide massive benefits. Even if you choose light exercise, you will still burn fat.

Light exercise will clear out lactic acid, which is a waste of the body, and stimulate your cells to regenerate. To be sure that you are burning fat rather than sugar, it's very important to make sure that you are doing several things as you exercise.

The most important thing you can do as you exercise is breath deeply. You should always breathe in deep into your stomach through your nose, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale hard through your mouth.

Second, you should make sure that you exercise at a comfortable level. You should exercise at a level of 7 out of 10, and still be able to carry on a normal conversation while you exercise. You should do this for 30-45 minutes or so each day, then you'll begin to notice just how much your energy will explode.

Even if you don't think you have the time to exercise, rest assured that there is always time. If you have to, use the time that you would normally spend sleeping. With exercising, you'll actually need less sleep than before.

You can also use the time of your lunch break to exercise as well. The increase in productivity will have you more on the ball, and you can save your time through the dramatic increase in your overall productivity.

Cellularise, or rebounding, is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise there is. If you have access to a rebounder, you shouldn't hesitate to use it. Use any break you have at work to engage in some type of movement and deep breathing.

Any type of exercise you do will strongly benefit your heart. It will make it a stronger and larger organ. Deep breathing will help your lungs become stronger and larger as well. There is research now that links exercise to helping benefit and almost prevent each and every type of disease or ailment.

Movement of the joints will promote proper blood flow and create energy, as sitting down all day will rob your body of much-needed energy. If you sit down all day, it's very important that you promote blood flow, circulation, energy, brain flow, and the strength of your heart. With just a little bit of your time devoted to exercise, you'll find yourself healthier than you have ever been in the past.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, March 26, 2012

Regional advertising

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

Regional advertising as the name suggest focuses on local adverting corresponding to a particular region or place. This involves the use of all the basic tactics and techniques used for any sort of successful advertising campaign for the promotion of a particular company's services or products. Regional advertising is often overlooked but can be a lucrative form of advertising.

The techniques involved in the regional advertising is often focussed on a smaller and regional search engines and also local directories which makes a good business sense.

The listings in the web directories and the search engines under the regional category for example with the websites like the and yahoo brings about the site under more relevant search results.

Regional means within the country and therefore it is vital to use a domain which is based in that specific company in use. For example co.UK is used for United Kingdom just as .ca is used for Canada. These are often used in the domain names also so as to be able to target the multiple regional markets and also search engines.

There is also the question as to what language should be used, whilst English will usually prevail some people prefer to read items online in their native language, so I would suggest sites be written in duel language.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Healthy Fats

The average individual eats too much fat, a factor that's linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer. Diets that are high in fat are associated with breast and colon cancer, with some studies linking high fat to prostate cancer as well. A majority of people can bring their fat intakes down to a healthy range by making a few adjustments in the way they shop, cook, and prepare the foods they eat.

it's getting easier and easier to control the amount of fat you consume. The fat content of foods are now available through the nutrition label and through brochures distributed by food companies and even fast food restaurants.

You can use this information on nutrition to choose lower fat foods by comparing products and food brands. Once you have a rough idea of what a healthy intake of fat is, you'll know what you can and what you can't have.

The amount of fat you eat will vary from day to day. Some meals and some days will be higher in fat than others. Even high fat meals can be kept in line with healthy eating as long as you balance those days accordingly. The average fat intake over the course of weeks and months is important, not the fat intake of every meal and food you consume.

Younger adults and high active adults who have higher calorie needs can probably eat a little more fat. Older adults and those that aren't very active should aim for a lower fat intake. This way, you can control your fat intake and avoid the many problems that fat is associated with.

For guidance if total calories is 2,000 then saturated fat need to be less than 20 grams out of a total fat of 65 grams.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Advertising Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

Today I attended a webinar hosted by Veretekk's marketing Director Butch Hamilton and he was talking about examining where your target market is situated. Many people make the mistake of advertising globally when they are only offering goods and services locally.

I remember some years ago working with a company that started a GoLocal advertising campaign which turned out to be highly successful as each distributor targeted their own particular area rather than nationally or globally.

Google technology brought local search to the forefront in the past year so you can set now set your search default to any particular town to obtain results which are more likely to be of use to you.

If you are operating a local business online it can be beneficial to include the name not only as a title but also in the name of the website. I have done this myself successfully in the past when selling property with a site called apartmentforsalekotakinabalu. A daily advertising campaign was set up on the Internet using my marketing tools and within two months I had completed the sale of my property.

When you are setting out your next advertising campaign consider your local options you might be surprised by the results.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Action Tips

So You have decided to do something to get back to a healthy weight. You've shifted into 1st gear by making that choice and now you are ready for 2nd gear and to begin taking the unwanted pounds and inches off your body. Some of these you will have heard before, but when you put them all together, they can be powerful!

  • Begin keeping a journal of everything you eat and drink! — Sometimes we don't even realize how much we are taking in, or we find out our habits are starving our body and that is from where the problems stem.
  • Start drinking more water — ideally 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of weight. (# pounds/2 = how many ounces you should be drinking daily) — This allows us to flush toxins in our system and allows for faster fat burning.
  • Cut back on your sugar intake — sodas, highly processed carbohydrates, white sugar.
  • Increase your fiber content — more raw veggies, and use products with higher fiber content –LOOK at the labels.
  • Stop taking any artificial sweeteners!
  • Increase your activity — even if it's just adding a short walk after dinner — Get moving!
  • Give yourself a pat on the back You are doing something to make your life better and you are setting a great example for our youth!

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Exercise

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Easter is looming and your New Year's goal are nothing but a distant memory, so its time to get back into action to trim your body fat and build muscle, cut pounds and be swimsuit ready by the start of June.

Here are some tips for getting started your new loss workout program. If you start now, you can still lose 10-20 pounds by mid year. Experts say you can lose up to two pounds a week, so the sooner you get started, the more belly fat you can lose. Even a few pounds lost can make a huge difference.

If you haven't been exercising that regularly, or you've suffered a slight injury, sickness or medical issue, get approval from your physician to begin your workout plan.

Set a reasonable pace for yourself. Cutting too much weight too quickly will result in you losing some muscle as well as fat. And you'll court hurting yourself. And experience has demonstrated that fast weight loss is hard to keep off. Personal trainers are in agreement that what you eat is the most critical component of your fat loss strategy. To cut a pound of body fat, you must either exercise off or drop 3500 calories. And even an intense exercise session only consumes a couple of hundred calories, which are quickly replaced by a bad choice in snacks.

Jogging may be an attractive fat loss strategy. However while long-distance running may be good for conditioning your heart and lungs; long running sessions are hard on rookie runners, and not a very effective way to burn fat. Interval cardio programs have been demonstrated to be the most effective routine to shred your winter-middle. With interval routines, you work hard for 30-60 seconds, then work at a much slower pace for 60-120 seconds. Interval cardio programs are easier on your body and much more effective in shredding body fat by the time beach weather begins.

Weight workouts ought to be at the heart of everyones routine. Weight workouts helps build muscle and increases your metabolism. Because you want to build muscle by swimsuit weather, perform medium repetitions eight-to-twelve and 2-3 sets for each exercise. Check in with a fitness trainer or investigate on the Web for resistance programs that focus on major muscle groups or compound movements that focus on a multiple muscles at the same time. You will cut your workout time, max out your caloric burn, and build summer-ready muscle more quickly.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Friday, March 23, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Marketing Dashboard

To create a dashboard, your business will need to be able to capture information from different information systems and consolidate data from campaigns, responses, customer interactions, and new business.

Now all this sounds quite complicated and time consuming, but what if I told you that on the 1st April 2012, you would be able to purchase your own marketing dashboard for the princely sum of just $54.95 per month.

This is not any April fools scam, it is a serious offer for business entrepreneurs, who wish to benefit from a seamlessly integrated set of tools which have been in development for the past three years.

During the last few years the Internet has spread even further afield due to 3rd and 4th generation mobile devices so now you can remain in contact and share your daily life with the likes of facebook and Youtube no matter where you are provided you have a reliable connection.

Social marketing is one of the keywords of the age, so imagine a business interface which interacts with you social marketing site, keeping fellow socialites informed on what you are doing and enabling you to store and share your business tips and success via video, email, articles, press releases, blogs and countless websites.

Does this sound like something that might interest you, if so keep watch this space as more will be available shortly.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

As people start to put on weight and head towards obesity there comes a time when they they consider losing weight and exercising.

Whatever reasons brought about the need to exercise should never be forgotten. Where possible, they should be put down on paper. The note should then be displayed in a place that can never be missed at all. This way, it will be a constant reminder on what to do to achieve it. During the times that one feels that the workout is becoming a burden, then the note will always give some strength to go on.

A plan can be put in place. This should contain a list of- the objectives that are being aimed at. The goals should not be set too high as this will only make one give up. A little time must be apportioned in the beginning. As time goes, more can be done. In the end, one will be surprised at how far he has come.

Those things that a person feels may cause some barrier should be noted. Different ways that can be used to get away from them can then be sought. When a person feels that the temptation is too high for them, then the reasons for beginning in the first place should be revisited.

To go through such a plan alone can be very difficult. Therefore support is sought from the people in the life of a person. The ones who are known to be caring should be sought. Those others who are capable of mocking must be avoided as much as possible. They may start taunting one forcing the entire plan to be abandoned.

As the work out continues, a healthy life style should be engaged in. There is no point at all in burning off calories, only to revamp more by having meals that are unnecessary. This includes drugs and alcohol. Healthy substitutes like fruits and vegetables should be taken instead of snacks.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Processed Foods

Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of processed foods we eat every day.Americans consume more packaged, processed foods per person than any other country, and it's an issue all over the western world. But while processed foods are undeniably affordable and convenient, many also contain lots of fat, salt, and sugar no wonder so many people are struggling with weight issues,as well as other health issues.

The first thing that comes to mind for most people when they hear the term"processed food" is a burger and fries served over a counter at your favourite fast food joint. But the truth is, the very food you have in your cabinets is processed.

How can you identify processed foods,Well if it's boxed, bagged, canned or jarred and has a list of ingredients on the label, it's processed. Although many of us may think we are eating healthy It may be just the opposite, how much of that so-called healthy food is actually processed. We need to get back to a basic natural,wholesome diet. You need to change your diet away from processed food towards a diet focused around eating only fresh, wholesome foods as nature created them.

Here are some ways to help wean yourself away from processed foods Seek true satisfaction, Read labels wisely, Relish what's on your plate, Wean yourself off excess salt, fat, and sugar,Give your palate time to change While it may be tough at first to skip the afternoon candy bar or fast-food fries, you'll gradually lose your taste for excessively sweet and salty foods as your palate adapts to a variety of new flavours. And you may even find yourself opening up to new foods sources.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Do you feel bloated

The foods that you put into your body directly effect your ability to lose, maintain or gain weight. While fast foods, frozen foods/prepackaged foods may be convenient and quick for your schedule, these foods are making your fitness goals less convenient…in other words slowing down your potential progress.

This is why you're bloated- Lack of fiber, cheese and over-processed foods are blocking up your system and inhibiting natural digestion. The liquids that you are drinking (soda, alcohol, etc) are the exact ones that are dehydrating and bloating you. Our bodies weren't designed to handle some of the foods that are now popular such as fast foods.

Eating balanced meals can be a challenge, if you do not eat often enough. Keep healthy snacks like sliced celery, carrots or fruit on hand so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode/fat storage mode. Have you ever noticed that if you wait many hours before eating dinner, when your meal is finally ready to be consumed, your stomach hurts and you end up feeling bloated after the meal.

Drink lots of water – You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. I don't believe in the "don't drink water if you're not thirsty" saying. Stay hydrated to beat bloating. If you live in the tropics you may need to drink about a litre an hour to stay hydrated.

Regular bowel movement is essential. This means eating lots of fiber, especially in the mornings to enable healthy digestion and elimination. Add flax seed to your morning oatmeal or some leafy greens to your morning smoothie.

Limit sodium intake- This means straying away from any pre-packaged foods, frozen foods and sauces. These foods are loaded with sodium to preserve their taste. They will do nothing good for your body. I even try to avoid salt when cooking.

Eating balanced meals, keeping track of your portions, and drinking your daily quota of water will help you manage bloating and stay on track with your fitness goals.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business

Google is now advising website owners that its future direction in providing search results will rely more heavily on web content rather than grey hatted SEO work. This will mean that sites which have little or no SEO techniques applied to them but have otherwise good content will rise up the results.

The changes as and when they are implemented will certainly help the small business owner who often does not even know what SEO is. The days of some so called SEO specialists may be numbered as content becomes king.

Former Google Webmaster Central creator Vanessa Fox made the following comments

"I don't think it's about just mom and pop vs. big brands,---- Lots of big brands don't know the first thing about SEO. I think (total guess on my part) the sites that will be negatively impacted are those that focus on algorithms and build content/sites based on the things what they think the algorithms are looking for. The kind of sites where someone didn't say 'I want this page to rank for query X. How can this page best answer what the searcher is asking about X' but instead said 'I want this page to rank for query X. How many times should I repeat X in my title, heading, content on the page, internal links…"

Sounds like good news to me, all this page density mumbo jumbo and worrying how to Panda updates effect results will perhaps come to an end.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Take Care Exercising

Discovering that you've been doing a particular exercise that has been the wrong way for years would be very frustrating. Think of the person who executes an exercise wrong due to incorrect information and then gets injured. That is why it's so important to make sure you get your information from experts and credible sources. Your health and wellness depends on it because the world is rampant with bad information in so many areas. Health and fitness are no exception.

You can find several yoga and back pain products online. Typically, the marketing says that doing yoga can help with back pain. This statement can be misleading and dangerous, although yoga can help in some cases. If the cause of your back pain is muscle related than yoga can be helpful. For example, you may need to stretch and strengthen certain muscles in your back or other areas. Once you can do that, then your back pain will get better. However, if your back pain is related to bones and related tissue, such as a spinal disc problem, then yoga is not the ticket for you. In these cases, yoga can actually cause serious complications.

We have all heard that exercise will often energise. This is true and is one of the many benefits of practicing regular exercise. Exercising in the morning leaves many people feeling energized all day. Exercise increase your blood circulation which is one of the reasons for the energized feeling. Your cells receive more oxygen when your circulation is improved. Related to that is your strength and stamina will improve with working out. So if you have more stamina, then naturally you will feel like you have more energy.

Additionally, regular quality exercise helps improve your physical and mental performance. Greater strength and stamina will help improve your physical performance. Plus the greater degree of clarity will obviously help you with mental performance. The good habits of regular exercise often get carried over into a person's diet and nutrition. It's more important than ever to sort out the truths of health and fitness, especially if you're totally new to working out. The reason for that is simply that you are in the early stages of fitness habit formation. If you cultivate the wrong or incorrect habits, then obviously you will be setting yourself up for a hard re-education in the future. Whether you continue with your fitness program and your future success depend on forming good habits.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, March 19, 2012

Advertising Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

One of the main reasons for advertising is to brand your business, now when I think of corned beef the brand Fray Bentos come to mind, a company established in 1899 which is best known for its range of canned meat pies, including steak and kidney and minced beef and onion.

At the end of last year it was taken over by Baxters and Baxters chairman Audrey Baxter said:

"Like Baxters, Fray Bentos is a heritage brand and is known the length and breadth of the country, holding a special place in the hearts of British consumers both young and old.

We have many exciting ideas to revitalise the brand as we aim to secure a strong foothold in the canned meat market."

It will be interesting to see how they advertise in the future. One thing I am sure of is that they will not become involved in discount advertising which has been the death knell of many brands.

A brand that starts discounting initially attracts new customers, but in doing so cuts its profits and when it stops discounting consumers move gravitate back to their original source. The company is then in a more difficult position having less revenue to spend on advertising to maintain the image of the brand.

If you have a business think carefully how you advertise particularly with special or free offers carry out market research and try to model the results.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Sugary Drinks

Virtually everyone know that if you are on a healthy weight loss diet, then sugary drinks are bad for you, however what you probable do not know is that if you are a woman it can increase your risk of suffering heart disease or diabetes.

According to research presented at last years American Heart Association scientific session. woman who drink more than two sugary drinks a day are more likely to increase their cardiovascular risk.

Women who consumed two or more sugary drinks per day were four times more likely to develop high triglycerides and significantly more likely to increase their waist size and develop impaired fasting glucose levels than women who drank fewer beverages.

Interestingly while some woman had increased waist sizes. they were not gaining weight. although obesity is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk, in this study womens risk factors for heart disease and stroke developed even without weight gain.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Advertising Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

Advertising play a very important part in marketing your business, but one needs to keep updated with the latest trends and techniques, for instance there was a time that when you included a coupon in an advert it was placed at the top of the copy in the centre, yes a great headline however now your coupon is best placed at the bottom right hand corner where it can be easily clipped off and used, leaving the rest of the copy intact.

Adverts placed in corner shops or supermarkets can take this a step further with having tear off strips a the bottom of every advert, so many people can take advantage of the offer.

When advertising online it is important to provide facts and information about your products or services. One advantage of online advertising is you can use racking codes to see how many time the advert is opened and correlate that with actual sales. You can also use pay per click advertising.

You may prepare email advertising campaigns running over weeks and months providing your subscribers with information about your products and services but take great care with the content, no one like to receive the same old sad advert containing information sent to them in the previous mail. they need something new and informative.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Protect your Heart

Being over weight is more than a cosmetic problem. It greatly raises the risk for many diseases and conditions, especially coronary heart disease. coronary heart disease (CHD)is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. these arteries supply oxygen rich blood to your heart, Plaque can narrow or block arteries and reduce blood flow to your heart muscle, which can ultimately lead to a heart attack.

Obesity/heart attack connection

Research studies have shown that obesity is one of the major risk factors that can be changed to reduce the risk of a heart attack. People who are obese or overweight have an increased chance of enlargement of the left side of the heart. this is because of increased blood pressure ad strain on the heart. Research studies have shown that this condition often predicts heart disease and stroke in both children and adults.

The importance of BMI

One tool used to estimate ideal and overweight ranges is called the body mass index (BMI). the scale determines weight ranges based on height. As you BMI increase, so does your risk of having a heart attack.

Obesity can also lead to heart failure - a serious condition in which your heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs.

Reasons to become leaner Even taking off a few pounds provides you with a bounty of cardiovascular benefits. when you keep your weight in the heathy range.

  • Your body circulates blood more easily
  • Your fluid levels are more easily managed
  • You are less likely to develop a number of serious conditions and disease.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business

Now I have never been an advocate of using free email system, such as AOL, Hotmail, yahoo and Google, because it does not look very professional if you have an Internet site not to use an email address connected to your companies website.

Google however is now beginning to make inroads as Gmail's growth has been rapid over the last couple years and is unlikely to slow, especially given the recent user interface changes that make Gmail even more convenient and easy-to-use. Gmail is even changing the B2B perspective on email addresses, as more and more professionals are relying on the service through Google Apps to meet their business needs.

Email is beginning to come more socialised with the spread of 3G and 4G phone technology and consumers will often share links with others via email with friends. Yes there is still spam to contend with but savvy users may now have several email address using one for friend and family one for business and one for dealing with sites which may start spamming.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
weight loss tips

The most important tip to know is you must be ready to lose weight. If you're not ready to lose weight and make that commitment to yourself, don't read any further. No matter what they are or how good the weight loss tips are, they won't help because you'll find a way around them.

It doesn't take a lot to get on the road to weight loss. It's not that complicated. Basically, you have to burn more calories than you take in. You can eat less, get your body to burn more calories, or both.

The first thing you want to do is get your goal – write it down. Know how many pounds you want to lose. Even if your goal seems unreachable you need to put it down in writing or you will have no chance of reaching it. Break that goal down into manageable parts. If you need to lose 100 pounds, be realistic and know that if you lose 8 to 10 pounds a month, it will take almost a year to reach your goal. That may seem like a long time but think about the difference you'll see and feel after six months. Following are some good weight loss tips to help you on your journey.

  1. Eat smaller meals several times a day. 5 or 6-300 calorie meals will not only give you enough calories to keep your body functioning but few enough for most people to lose weight. Eating several small meals will increase your resting metabolism. Your body will be constantly burning energy (= calories) to digest the food.
  2. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol slows down your metabolism. Cocktails are empty calories like sugar sodas. If you need to drink, stay away from the fruity or thick liquor drinks. Try light beer or wine. Drinking alcohol can easily lead to eating more food. You can put yourself in a situation where you're eating fatty snack foods and the alcohol can hinder your judgment to eat in moderation.
  3. Eat more grilled food. Saute foods in broth or use a pan spray instead of butter. Eat whole grain foods instead of white bread and rice.
  4. Add some cardiovascular exercise to your weight loss plan. It doesn't have to be much, a brisk 30 minute walk a few times a week can do wonders. Park your car and walk when you can.
  5. Weight train to avoid losing muscle. When you diet you are in danger of losing muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat so you want to keep what muscle mass you have and build on it.
  6. For one week, keep track of everything you eat. You don't have to worry about calories at first, just get down everything you put in your mouth. You'll be amazed at how much you eat throughout the day without thinking about it. After you get used to writing everything down, figure out how many calories you eat in one day. Find a way to cut out 500 calories per day.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is a popular diet known to be healthy for the body. The Mediterranean diet plan is high in fruits and vegetables (often as many as nine servings per day). Followers of this diet also consume a low amount of red meat, eating instead a greater portion of fish several times a week. The Mediterranean diet menu also includes eating a small portion of a variety of nuts and healthy fats (like olive oil or canola oil).

Red wine is also a part of this diet menu, in moderate amounts. Because grains in this region are usually whole grains, pasta and rice are also a welcome part of this diet.The Mediterranean diet is associated with good heart health and falls within the guidelines of healthy eating, Studies conducted within the U.S. have shown that those who ate according to the Mediterranean diet lowered their risk of both heart disease and obesity-related cancers.

The Mediterranean food pyramid is a slightly different version of the FDA's food pyramid. The bottom level you have you'r whole grains like bread, pasta, followed by vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts. The third level up is olive oil (or another healthy oil), followed by a cheese and yogurt level, a fish and poultry level, a sweets level and finally, a red meat level at the very top. But red meat should only be eaten a few times per month in very small amounts.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Your BMR is the key

Have you cut you food intake but are still struggling to reach your healthy weight loss goal, well maybe you are not eating enough.

Although we live in the 21st century, our bodies are still programmed for the Cenozoic Era. When our ancestors were out hunting tigers and foraging for food, their bodies burned major calories, keeping them naturally fit. However, when winter came and food was scarce, their bodies slowed down and went into sort of a hibernation mode. It used fat storage and slowed their metabolism down to keep them alive during these hard times. Nature has designed our bodies to survive times of famine and starvation, so when you drastically cut calories to "lose weight,"your body goes into starvation/hibernation mode. When this happens, your metabolism slows down or hibernates because it believes you're living through a famine.

It doesn't realize that there is a grocery store down the street along with 5 fast-food chain restaurants. When you deprive your body of precious calories, not only does your metabolism slow down dramatically, your energy levels go down leaving y ou more sedentary. In addition, you're probably ravenous because you're not consuming enough food, which causes you to overeat and most-likely gain back some if not all the weight you have lost. This is why crash-dieting or restrictive calorie diets don't work. In fact – get rid of the word diet from your vocabulary altogether. Life shouldn't be about dieting. I've been catching up on some reading and the problem most of us have in gaining weight or not losing weight is not caused by over-eating, it is caused by lack of physical activity.

To better understand how our bodies work and survive, you first need to know how your body uses calories. Your body burns a certain amount of calories just to stay alive, meaning to pump your heart, maintain your organs, and repair muscle. This is known as your BMR or your Basal Metabolic Rate. You can figure this out by seeing a metabolic specialist or if you don't have time, money, or the resources you can figure it out by using this calculation. Mind you – this calculation may not be 100% accurate but it can give you a good idea of what you are burning just by being alive.

To do the calculation:

Step 1: Multiply your weight in pounds by 4.4
Step 2: Multiply your height in inches by 4.7
Step 3: Add answers from Step 1 and Step 2
Step 4: Multiply your age in years by 4.7
Step 5: Subtract Step 4 answer from Step 3
Step 6: Add 655 to the answer from Step 5

Once you have worked out your figures if you eat less calories your body will go into starvation mode and as lo remember that to allow an addition 10% to cover the bodies food digesting process

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss habits

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Rats, chocolates, rewards and habits

An odd subtitle you might think but researcher Ann Graybiel from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been conducting research for more than 10 years with wired rats, T-shaped mazes, and chocolate. She discovered that habitual action begins with a cue, which leads to a routine, which then ends in a reward. Once people (or animals) engage in this loop (cue, routine, reward) repeatedly, the cycle becomes near-automatic. That is, the cue and reward become neurologically entwined, thought processing is significantly reduced and a sense of craving (for the reward) develops.

Now the cue could be anything, stress, an advert which could send you to the cupboard to open that forbidden packet of goodies and before you know it you will have finished the whole packet which will not be helping your healthy weight loss goals.

While dieters who experience these problems do still experience immediate rewards from eating, their rewards are accompanied by a longer-term penalty, such as feeling bad about overeating the moment the food is gone, feeling weak and unable to control eating and gaining weight or failing to lose weight.

The challenge for the dieter is to develop a new healthier habit which will strengthen the chances of success by find a cue which could prompt them to go to the gym for a hard work out with the reward of say a relaxing massage.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Friday, March 9, 2012

Advertsing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Phone Contact

The phone is a very important marketing tool which is often abused by the use of automated diallers and the like. Far too many people use it to sell their products and services by using canned messages or advertising scripts. The most successful marketers are those that listen to their prospects or potential customers.

Now I used to actually hate telephoning people but it is essential to keep in contact with prospects and customers as you never know if email campaigns reach them or they turn them off. Many people use voicemail to monitor incoming calls, so you always need to be prepared to leave a message.

My own business involves assisting people to build successfully businesses with a selection of advertising tools, so yesterday I phoned a woman to find out what she was adverting but caught her just as she was going out so I called back today. I was somewhat taken a back when her opening words were "I am not interested" I was offering help and advise and she put the phone down.

Perhaps it was a bad hair day or some telephone marketer had been bugging her, but she was advertising something, I might have been a buyer, she may have lost a potential sale. For my part this is part of daily life some people you can help and some just do not listen. My golden rule is to listen first but in this case it did not work so instead I emailed her, but I doubt she will ever open the email.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Watch Your Diet

I came across an article recently written by well-know cardiologist,who stated that cholesterol is not the enemy but inflammation caused by numerous substances is the real death sentence. This same doctor has performed over 5000 heart surgeries and has been named as one of the top doctors in the country for many years.

The link between cholesterol and heart disease was established by the "Framingham study" in 1961 and the war on cholesterol began. At this time, the big drug companies and lobbyists saw the writing on the wall and the money that could be made. Soon after, the low-fat theory was born and the Food Pyramid came into play promoting manufactured, low-fat foods filled with sugar, processed starches and unhealthy oils.

These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated. The established dietary recommendations from the 60's have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which are not only affecting older adults but to the kids of the future.

Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before. The numbers don't lie. Statistics from the American Heart Association show that 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabetes.

Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped. Inflammation is not complicated — it is quite simply your body's natural defence to a foreign invader such as a bacteria, toxin or virus. The cycle of inflammation is perfect in how it protects your body from these bacterial and viral invaders. However, if we chronically expose the body to injury by toxins or foods the human body was never designed to process, a condition occurs called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial.

We have simply followed the recommended mainstream diet that is low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, not knowing we were causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.

What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods. Pretty much everything you find in the middle aisles of the grocery store.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Email advertising

Email adverting is one of the most fickle areas of marketing but the key is to always get permission – Without having permission (meaning every subscriber asked for you to email them), spam complaints will increase and people will ignore your emails — even worse, they may opt out altogether. Aside from upsetting your new subscribers, you will probably also get the boot from your email service provider or ISP for violating their policies.

Utilize email marketing campaigns instead of "newsletters" . With an email campaign, you can attract specific prospects and send them emails related to a particular topic.

Do not sell, provide information which is useful to your subscriber and let him decide when the time is right to purchase, you may have to mail him for a year or more.

More and more people are using mobile devices so you may need to redesign the email and landing pages so it's easy for mobile users – Realize that the popular iPhone has a viewable space of 320 x 356 pixels. That's not much compared to the real estate of your computer (probably above 1024 x 768). This means you should condense the width so they can read the email without resizing the message.

If you use images make your email readable without images enabled – For privacy reasons, most email clients disable images unless the user allows it. Because of this, any images you include in the email should have descriptive text set for the Alternative attribute.

Remember to provide subscribers with a method of unsubscribing and a note of when they subscribed is useful as often people forget what they signed up for and can accuse you of spam.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Effective Weight Loss

Everywhere you turn people seem to be talking about weight loss with articles on TV and magazines about the dangers of obesity. Weight loss is spoken about in wellbeing centres and in addition at schools and offices. If you are seeking weight loss, listed right here are some simple ideas.

  • Stop Talking about about Weight Loss!
    Talking will not make you thinner you need to take action, reduce the amount you eat and increase calorie burning exercise and you will start feeling the difference/
  • Steady but pretty slow is excellent
    Steady but really slow weight loss is much far better (and safer) than going on a crash diet. if you want to lose weight and keep it off on the long term than target about 2 pounds a week
  • Save Your Valuable Money
    You do not need to waste your hard earned money on weight loss gimmicks or intense surgical treatment options. Eating a nutritionally-balanced diet of fruits, veggies, fantastic fats and lean proteins will promote healthy weight loss faster than any miracle remedy you are able to invest in.
  • Weight Loss is truly a Life-style
    You need to change your eating habits replacing processed foods and takeaways with wholesome home cooking. Take on an activity that gets you out of the house instead of being a coach potato. Effective weight loss is really about producing adjustments in way of living, together with generating the very best food choices, soon after which you will reap the benefits.
  • Weight Loss is More than a Number
    When you start your healthy weight loss diet don't become a slave to the scale. Use your scale as a guide as you gradually lose weight. exercising will tone up your muscles which are heavier than fat so at time it may slow your loss , but it is honing your body to an efficient state strengthening you heart and lowering your cholesterol all thing that a good for you

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, March 5, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Free Assistance

I was speaking with someone today who over the past few years has purchased many programs and joined site with the idea of creating an income and like many others has become disillusioned. His Latest venture started in December and like many before him he has been suckered into purchasing something but does not know how it works.

He has purchased a website which advertises phones and accessories and has been looking at free ways to market the site, which is how I found him. He told me the usual tale of false promises and no support. I suggested that free advertising was not really the answer. The first thing he needed to do was to cleanup his website which is based on a wordpress blog and remove many of the 19 add ins which not only confuse him but are liabilities rather than assets.

During our conversation it became apparent that he was at a complete loss at what to do, so I spend about an hour showing him how to do some simple cleaning up and how to post new data to his blog and suggested that in addition to the automated posts coming into his blog, he needed to start writing in more depth about telecommunications to provide more unique substance to his website. I also suggested that he needed to learn about marketing and that for around $55 a month he could obtain a comprehensive marketing system and unlimited training and support, He needs to set that as a short term goal.

I suggested that that as he writes his blog posts he could convert into stand alone web pages which will help advertise his website in other areas. I will follow his website over the the next week and see how he is getting on.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Speed up Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is the key to how fast or slowly you lose weight, now everyone is different but to ensure your metabolism is operating at its optimum, there a number of things you need to check.

  • Do you gulp down your food - Eating more slowly it takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to realise that your stomach is full. When you eat too fast, you could be full and not even know it! So make a more conscious effort to eat slowly. Here is a great way to make yourself eat slower: never let there be food on your fork when there is food already in your mouth. As you learn to eat slower, you'll greatly appreciate the texture and flavour of your food instead of concentrating on the next bite you're going to take.
  • Are you a Glutton - Never eat past the point of being full. All food eaten past fullness will be stored as fat which contributes to weight gain. Don't pre-eat (eating in anticipation of not eating later on in the day) this contributes to weight gain as well.
  • Keep your digestive system powered up - Eat every 2-3 hours. Keep your metabolism all fired up by eating small meals and healthy snacks every few hours through out your day. You must always plan ahead and have that healthy snack on hand so you will not be tempted by the junk food all around you. Never wait until you are starving to eat – this can cause you to overeat at meal time (which makes you gain even more weight).
  • Tone your muscles - Challenge your muscles. Building muscle is one of the best ways to boost your metabolism. For every pound of muscle you gain that's 30 more extra calories that you burn off naturally!
  • Exercise in the morning - When you exercise in the morning you can elevate your resting metabolic rate, which allows you to burn more calories as you sit, stand and walk around doing normal stuff!

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Control Cravings

Food cravings inhibit the success of any healthy weight loss diet plan so one of the biggest things that you should do to stop food cravings is go through your house and remove all of the problem foods. If you shouldn't be eating it on your diet then it shouldn't be there. If you are in the kitchen fixing food and you see a cookie or other offender then you are probably going to start thinking about it, your mouth is going to water and then you will just give in.

Many times after you have been fighting a craving for so long you would eat more than just one of whatever it is that you are craving. This will cause you to take in many more calories and to experience guilt later. I know I love chocolate but there is none in the house.

It is very important that you get your family or whoever else is in the house on board with what you are doing. If you can't then make sure that they keep the offending foods in their rooms away from your eyes, ears and nose. You shouldn't see them with it, you shouldn't hear them opening it and you shouldn't be able to smell it either.

Water is also a big helper to stop food cravings. Whenever you are full of plenty of water you will not feel hunger as much. Many times our body confuses the hunger signal with the thirst signal and we eat when we are thirsty so make sure that you keep yourself hydrated

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Online Censorship

Many people do not realise how much censorship can negatively effect their best marketing methods. I have been aware of restriction on the Ezines articles site where I am an expert author , however they have modified their rules regarding links and I have spent the last two month trying to get as simple article posted. I have now given up because to be honest it is not worth the effort, I get a standard email that suggests what might be wrong, so I guess a computer is doing the vetting using some form of algorithm.

Algorithms seem to be flavour of the month as it is rumoured that Google Pand's update has been revised, so your SEO specialist will have an excuse to charge you more money.

I started to examine a new add in tool for Firefox today which ranks sites for safety by displaying red or green lights and warning you off from certain sites, it offered some surprising results, it would seem some sites I use have red flags. Apparently it uses an Algorithm, surprise, surprise and votes from users, however some votes are more equal than others, sounds like George Orwell's 1984.

My next task is to work out if anything is really wrong with the sites and if there is see about getting it corrected. The tool could be great provided the results are right.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Hidden Calories

Now most people who go on a a healthy weight loss diet do watch what they eat but some forget that some drinks can pack a load of calories

Alcoholic drinks, sodas, fruit juices and creamy-coffee-shop coffees all carry a high calorie price tag. Not only that, but most are heavily loaded with sugar. You can easily drink the calorie equivalent of a meal without realising it just by having a couple of glasses of wine or by ordering a cup of coffee when you are out. A Starbucks Iced Hazelnut Mocha has a massive 622 calories with an additional 73.6g of sugar – that is a huge overload of sugar in one hit considering 90g is our recommended daily maximum.

It is easy to avoid these drinks if you replace them with something else. If you are immediately thirsty, drink water to quench the thirst it contains no calories at all or you could go for different herbal teas such as green tea,have other health benefits. but remember drop the sugar.

Your body needs exercise if you loaf about all day you are not going to burn off many calories. Exercise doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, by just doing a few of your favourite activities, you can really enjoy incorporating exercise into your life. Just walking fast or cycling will keep you in trim when going out to the corner shop. Stop your newspaper delivery and go and pick it up from the corner shop before eating a healthy breakfast.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Friday, March 2, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss
Successful Weight Loss

Most people dieting will normally see their body weight go up and down noticeably. This is mostly because of bad diets which allow you to lose lots of weight in a short time period. As soon as you cease your diet plan and get back to your previous routines, the body weight frequently can come pouring back once again. The only method to lose weight and keep it all off is to come up with a healthy weight loss diet and workout plan that you can stay with for the long-term.

All healthy diet programs mean eating in moderation. It sounds simple, but weight loss tips like this mean you really don't have to abandon your favourite treats or junk foods. Just don't go overboard with them. If you wish to eat lasagna for lunch, then by all means do it. Just be sure you don't eat massive servings, and also don't eat it every night. As good sense dictates, have a diet loaded with fruit and vegetables. Nobody ever got fat eating vegetables. Even if you are not much of a fan, there are lots of ways to add some flavour to them.

Keep in mind, it is certainly ok to sometimes indulge in chocolates or ice cream providing you are not doing this daily. Including a cheat day to your weight loss program is one work around many dieters like. Avoid snacks for six days and indulge on the seventh (in moderation).

Exercise is certainly the ideal way to get in shape. In fact it is even the healthiest strategy. Everybody continually discusses observing their calories when eating. The best way to burn off those calories is being active. If you are taking in more calories than you are burning, then you are definitely going to put on weight.

We are eating and taking in calories every day, and so it's naturally best to workout every single day. Sadly not everybody has time to really do this. Therefore, at the very least, you should be carrying out some kind of exercise around 3 or 4 days each week. You don't even have to leave your home to workout. There is lots of terrific exercise equipment intended especially for use at home.

The only way to remain in shape is to to convert your healthy weight loss diet a lifestyle change. That's the key reason why severe diet programs can't work. Only a permanent change in lifestyle will allow you to sustain a healthy weight for the long term. For those of you worried about creating an effective weight loss plan, don't worry about it. It is not brain surgery. For most of us, eating in moderation along with regular exercise is sufficient. They're very simple weight loss guidelines for you to abide by. If you are not able to do this, I suggest talking with a diet professional and a personal trainer to figure out a plan that is best suited for you.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Internet Advertising

Marketing entails several functions that include:

  1. Developing the products or services that customers want.
  2. Pricing the products or services correctly.
  3. Making the products or services readily available to the customers.
  4. Advertising: Promoting the product or service, which if done correctly, not only convinces customers that the product or service is preferable to its competition, but that it is clearly the only choice. This is the field of marketing "communications" .
From a small business perspective a great deal of research is required in order to provide what customers are looking for on the the Internet and some of this research will be used later in your advertising campaign.

I always tell people that they need to know all there is to know about what they are selling in order to provide good adverting copy. Advertising online is a daily chore to provides quality information that answers customers needs, not plugging the same old stale sales blurb.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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