Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top SEO Results Tips
Marketing your Business

When you have a business which you want to market online, it is naturally assumed that either you have in depth knowledge of your business, or you are delegating this task to an advertising department or agency.

I talk to many people during the course of a week and it never ceases to amaze me, the number of them, who have little knowledge of the products they are selling. One conversation that often springs to mind was speaking with a gentleman, who signed up to use one of my marketing tools and I asked him how his business was doing and he replied that he had been working online for about a year but was having trouble getting traffic and had made no sales. I discovered he was selling Quickbank products, on delving a little deeper it turned it turned out that one of the products was a traffic generator which seemed somewhat ironic. I asked him if he used any of the products himself and he said an emphatic NO.

One basic point about marketing your business online or offline is you must know your product. Relying on the content and samples provided in sales literature, which hundreds if not thousands of other people use is just is not good enough. When marketing your business, You need to be able to provide your unique insight, which is why some people are more successful than others.

Far too many people think that to earn money online all they have to do is post a few adverts directing people to an affiliate page and the money will come rolling in, if this was so we would all be millionaires. The way you earn money on or offline follows the same formulae Time + Effort = Money or to put it another way you earn money from the time and effort you put into your business. A traditional business needs start up capital as it is very difficult to run a business if you have no seed capital to get you going.

The cost of setting up an Internet business is much lower, but it is not free despite the many free offers you may see, to make money you need to invest money and put in time and effort to earn more.

The basic advice I gave to this Gentleman was that to to go back to the drawing board and find a product or service that interested him, or he had knowledge about, research this niche for money earning product and keywords for marketing his business and then build a blog to include a lead capture box and to provide updated information about his niche on a weekly basis with links to his business sales page.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Network marketing is a wonderful idea for entrepreneurs to think about when starting or looking at a particular business model. The benefits of network marketing gives people the ability to start a business from the ground up with very little overhead or investment on their part without the need to hold inventory. This of course means that there is no need to carry or ship products to customers. Network marketing allows the customers of a particular company the opportunity to become distributors who spread the word about the company's products creating the perfect model for any home based business.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss during Menopause

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss
Menopuse and weight gain

The Menopause, is a time when many woman find their weight increases, and it is more difficult to shed weight. Now you may be tempted to accept this as part of your menopause, it not always the case. The average American woman can expect to gain around a pound a year from their mid forties to mid fifties, however this is not due to the menopause. >Reasons for middle age weight gain:-

  • Hormones - during menopause, your hormone shift can effect your body fat distribution. Fat that tended to go to your hips and thighs can migrate to the abdomen.
  • Reduced muscle mass - As women age the lean muscle mass gradually declines and fat begins to take over. Lean muscle burns more calories than fat, so loss of muscle mass means your resting metabolism slow down.
  • Decreased exercise- when people grow older, their activity level tends to decline. About 60% of adults are not active enough, and this increase with age. As you exercise less, you will gain weight, unless you reduce your diet.
So Now you can see that with all these factors at work it will take commitment and dedication will help you to maintain a healthy with during menopause.

The Healthy Women's Lifestyle project, which followed women through menopause, found that those who both ate a low calorie diet and took regular exercise, lost weight, while those who didn't gain an average of five pounds a year.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Top SEO Results Tips
Marketing your Business

Some time ago I researched information about Dipolog City and found sites for both the region Zanorte and the City itself, however the information on the sites had not been kept up to date and one site was missing altogether, perhaps it is been revised. How can a city attract visitors and investment when information is not up to date. One glaring example was the electrical supply situation where no mention was made about the fact of a major upgrade that is at present underway. I gleaned this information from a private site that suggests it supplies news on a daily basis but was last updated in October.

I have today revisited my research and the site that was missing is now up an running, operated by the tourist board, however it is does not have an English version of news which surprises me. I think the site is still under construction as many link do not work. The Local electricity supplier site is still also incomplete but is slowly being updated, hopefully this work will be completed soon, as it could be a good source of information as to when planned maintenance is being undertaken.

When you are marketing a business online it is vital that your website is kept up to date and the same goes for public information sites otherwise your visitors will disappear.

Commercial sites must have a constant supply of fresh information, for example details of special offers, prices changes, sales or even changes in personnel and management. An easy way of supplying this information is to write a daily blog and then connect the feed the the index page of your blog, this will ensure visitors including search engine robots will keep coming back for more.

Until the next time

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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We are serious about building a stable home based business and it starts here. We all must learn the fundamental basics to achieve success and then help others to do the same. Register today for more information.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss
The Mediterranean Diet

Summer is here and it always reminds me of the Mediterranean diet, which I used to follow when I lived in Cyprus. the diet is really a way of living. the food includes olive oil, olives, whole grains and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh cheese and seafoods.

The countries of origin are Spain, southern France, Italy, Greece and parts of the middle east. whilst the actual food is important, it is the way that people from the countries eat and live that provides such a healthy lifestyle.

The Mediterranean diet focuses on food, enjoyable activities, long meals with friends and family and drinking wine in moderation with meals. The way we eat is just as important and sometimes more important than, what we eat. The average American spends on average 20 mins a day eating compared with the average European who will spend some 2.5 hours eating in a day. Yet the Americans still manage to eat on average 30% more, which is quite amazing.

Food in the Mediterranean is worked in as a source of life, with the focus on freshness, which increases nutrient content. People who eat this way all the time focus on foods low in saturated fat and take the time to prepare and enjoy the food while sharing in a relaxed setting. all of this goes a long way to improve health, leading scores of scientists to note this diet as one of the healthiest in the world.

The Mediterranean diet has worked well for thousands of year, for those living in the Mediterranean area. this way of eating is not a quick fix, it is a lifestyle change. This way of life helps prevent chronic diseases, metabolic syndrome, some types of cancer, type 2 diabetes as well as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This lifestyle also leads to an extended life.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Marketing Tools

What kind of marketing tools do you need to market your business. One of the most important is an autoresponder, because email is one of the easiest ways of getting your message across to your potential customers. In its simplest form it will send out an automatic reply to mail received by a particular email address, such rudimentary autoresponder are included in hosting packages and with free email systems such as gmail ( by using the vacation feature). Many reverse marketers use there simple systems to promote there business to everyone that send them mail.

One of the most popular autoresponders is Aweber but it can also become an expensive investment as your client list grows yes you can start for $1, but the normal fee is $19 a month with a limit on 500 subscribers, rising to $49 for 5,000 and $69 for 10,000 subscriber.

Constant contact fees schedule start of as free but then charges $15 a month for 500, $50 for 5,000 and $75 for 10,000 subscribers.

Increasing costs however is not the only problem, both of the above systems expose your email address, to the possibly of being shut down for spam complaints, even if you are not sending spam and your ISP will shut you down

so what is the solution, well Veremail is a POP email system. Your Veretekk username is your email address with all our domains (40 of them at this writing) as the root domain for your username. I.E.: , ,,, you get the idea right? So unlike all the other Autoresponder / email publication services (Aweber, Getresponse, Constant Contact, Email Aces, and 123response and a lot more to many to list) none offer a POP mail account to go with your system. You have to wonder why.

Email systems that incorporate list building, subscription forms that incorporate mass mailing and sequential mailings (autoresponders) often get many spam complaints. Please pay attention, as this lesson is very valuable.

The spam complaints follow to the senders return email address. Your email address. If you are using a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. you will loose that email address. If you are using AOL, Comcast, Road Runner, TCT, or any other email address associated with your ISP you will get your ISP account terminated.

At Veretekk your email address is selected from one of our domains and runs from our servers. If we get a complaint, we have the resources and proof that your email is a verified opted in email and the spam complaint is not legitimate.

Your Veremail system is fully integrated with a host of other tools, including blogging, social connections conference rooms, work groups and marketing portals for an all in cost of $54.95, no matter how large your mailing lists are.

We are serious about building a stable home based business and it starts here. We all must learn the fundamental basics to achieve success and then help others to do the same. Register today for more information.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

Now everyone who is seeking healthy weight loss build up a number of tips, below I have listed some of what I believe to be the most useful

  • Eat breakfast.
    This is certainly the top tip. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Eating first thing in the morning wakes up your metabolism and starts the calorie burning process for the rest of the day. Going without breakfast, or leaving it until later in the day to have your first meal, will only mean that your body holds onto whatever fat you have, known as entering starvation mode. Not what you want if you are looking to shed those extra pounds!

  • Don't buy it.
    do not buy junk food in any shape or form and that need to include processed foods and ready to eat meals, together with sweet treats or unhealthy foods which will only test your will power on a daily basis, and in most cases, after a long tiring day, the chocolate temptation will win. Save calorific treats for one-off occasions, or if you really fancy that piece of chocolate – walk to the shops and burn off those calories beforehand!

  • Ditch the scales.
    Scales are one of the most de-motivating weight loss tools out there. The number on the scales is no reflection of how healthy your body is from the inside, or how much muscle you have compared to fat. Gaining an extra pound can ruin your day and can be completely confusing if you don't know what you are doing wrong, however, that extra pound could merely be extra water weight or muscle mass. Always judge how well you are doing by what your body shape looks like and how your clothes are fitting.

  • Keep a photo diary.
    Standing in front of your bathroom mirror taking a picture of yourself does not sound very appealing when you are uncomfortable with your size. But, sometimes, those overweight photos of you from the early days are what keep you going when it comes to making the healthier choices. As your body shape changes these photos will motivate you towards your goal of a slimmer you.

  • Get support.
    Tell your family and friends what you are trying to achieve, as having encouragement along the way is one of the keys to success. You never know, you may inspire those around you to get healthier.

  • Keep trying new things.
    Initially, you may find a routine that works and you are slimming down successfully. However, over time, our bodies become so accustomed to this routine, that we start burning fewer calories, slowing down weight loss. Try not to stay loyal to one piece of fitness equipment, and instead, mix things up to work different muscle groups to kick-start weight loss. For example, do a range of different activities such as swimming, cycling, walking, yoga and only use the gym a couple of times a week.

  • Keep the balance.
    It's no fun being a complete health junkie and never allowing yourself a piece of cake. Eating healthy for the majority of the time and keeping active ensures that when you do have a sweet treat your efforts will not be ruined. Typically, those on a strict diet are more likely to ditch the healthy lifestyle as soon as they have given into a chocolate bar and thought "I've ruined the diet, I may as well give up now". The chocolate bar will do no harm in the long run as long as you eat well for the most part.

  • Take Action.
    Motivation can be the biggest barrier between you and the body you want. You know that you should exercise, but the thought of physical activity makes you want to lie down on the sofa or check out the fridge. This is where your will power comes into play. Give yourself only one option: and that is to just do it. you can lounge about on the sofa for the rest of the day if you like, but for that 30 minutes that you have spent swimming/cycling/using the step machine at the gym, you know that you have done my body some good.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Social Marketing

A new feature is been added to my V2 marketing system, which will greatly enhance the symbiotic marketing effect of the the system. Now if you have not heard or do not know about symbiotic marketing. It is a method of advertising where one marketer shares his products and services with anothers marketers customers. for instance you could swop or share mailing lists to introduce your customers to a variety of products.

V2 has a group of some 112 business entrepreneurs, know as the bullpen who have agreed to cross market their business. Now some people might throw up their hands in horror at the thought of advertising a possible rivals product, but look at the advantages.

Let us assume that each person has 100 contacts that means that any advertising will possible be seen by not 100 people but by 100 * 112 = 11,200 people. Now when you tie this together with other social media connections where the average number of contacts is:-

  • Facebook 112 friends
  • Twitter 115 followers
  • LinkedIn 150 connections
You will see that you marketing efforts could be seen by some 42,000 people

The new V2 marketing you business feature will allow you when you post to your vereblog to send it to the facebook accounts of all the bullpen members without any further action required by yourself. This is just one of of the many feature of a truly intergrated marketing system which costs Gold subscribers only $54.95

Productive work is what will make you money for the long term. Busy work is a waste if time which has no guarantee. Of course in the long term, that so called "busy work" might pay off; yet, in the start of building a business from home it is crucial to use the phone and talk to real people and have actual conversations to build rapport and trust. This is the key to building a successful home based business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

In this day and age, it can be quite difficult to follow any healthy weight loss programs effectively. This is because you can always find food in every corner for as long as you have the money to buy it. Unlike thousands of years ago, you don't need to wrestle a boar or hunt a deer to make food for supper. This makes any physical work even more irrelevant.

Losing weight needs time and dedication. This is especially the case for exercise and diet as both have a symbiotic relationship with each other. Exercise won't be effective without eating properly, while proper eating would take a long time to achieve results without doing regular exercise. As a matter of fact, diet and exercise is the key towards heathy weight loss and keeping a healthy body. Other methods of losing weight may produce dramatic results. However, some of them may complicate the overall health of your body. Natural and proven methods of losing weight are often the best.

You can reward yourself with a cheat meal every once in a while after days of staying true with your goal of losing weight. Just don't binge on those greasy foods whenever you do. Otherwise, you will just be undoing all the hard work you have done for yourself. In regards to exercise, try to find a program that is ideal for you. Most importantly, never give up when obstacles hit you and keep up with your healthy weight loss program no matter what.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Personal reflections

I am still puzzled on how to market my business in the Philippines. as I see it there are two challenges, one lack of money and two the population is relatively young. Internet cafe's are popular, but used mostly for playing games. Yahoo is used extensive here with many businesses having a yahoo email address, this is somewhat surprising as I find Yahoo tends to corrupt my computer, so I avoid using it.

I use a local business forum to engage with locals working online but it is difficult to have any meaningful discussion. I have noticed that the majority of advertising provides little information about what is being sold and rarely links to a website. The seller either requesting a PM or an email for further details. People do seem to read entries in the forum judging by the emails requesting more information, and this is perhaps something that I can use to my advantage for marketing my business.

A colleague of mine says

There are leads all over the Internet for free staring people right in the face and they do not even realize it. I must say that; only the people I work directly with will get this valuable information on calling prospects. Sorry, but I cannot reveal all the productive secrets to building a large organization within your home based business.

Thanks Steven , I have just found a new source for marketing my business now all I have to do is resolve the money issue and get them to use the Internet cafe's to get them out of the poverty trap.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Burn the Fat feed the Muscle

After 18 years in the fitness business, "How do I get great abs" is still BY FAR the most frequently asked question I receive out of the over 30,000 emails that come into my office every month. No doubt it's because abs are the one body part that most people are the most frustrated with.

Although their questions are often phrased differently and each person's situation seems unique, my answer to "How do I get great abs" is almost always the same…and you're about to hear it.

Grab your copy of the PDF report here:

Now, let's get to your first tip to help you start losing fat today


What No One Is Telling You About Calories In VS Calories Out By Tom Venuto, Author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

I'm going to share with you the most crucial weight loss strategy that will literally make or break your success. This is the number one fat loss tip I could ever give you. If you don't get this right, you can kiss your fat loss results goodbye.

This is the one absolute requirement for weight loss, and it's something you've probably heard of before. However, there's one critical distinction about this familiar advice that you might not have considered - and this one thing makes all the difference in the world...

Let me quote Melvin Williams, PhD, professor emeritus of exercise science at Old Dominion University and author of the textbook Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport (McGraw Hill):

"Human energy systems are governed by the same laws of physics that rule all energy transformations. No substantial evidence is available to disprove the caloric theory. It is still the physical basis for bodyweight control."

There are a variety of diet programs and weight loss "gurus" who claim that calories don't count. They insist that if you eat certain foods or avoid certain foods, that's all you have to do to lose weight. Dozens, maybe hundreds of such diets exist, with certain "magic foods" put up on a pedestal or certain "evil fat-storing foods" banished into the forbidden foods zone.

Other weight loss "experts" invoke the insulin/carbohydrate hypothesis which claims that carbs drive insulin which drives body fat. That's akin to saying "Carbs are the reason for the obesity crisis today, not excess calories."

They are all mistaken.

Of course, there IS more to nutrition than calories in vs calories out. Food quality and nutrition content matters for good health. In addition, your food choices can affect your energy intake. We could even point the finger at an excess of refined starches and grains, sugar and soft
drinks (carbs!) as major contributing factors to the surplus calories that lead to obesity.

However, that brings us back to excess calories as the pivotal point in the chain of causation, not carbs. A caloric deficit is a required condition for weight loss - even if you opt for the low carb approach - and that's where your focus should go - on the deficit.

Now, here's that critical distinction...

You've heard it said, "exercise more and eat less" a million times. However, saying "focus on the calorie deficit" is NOT the same thing. If you don't understand the difference, you could end up spinning your wheels for years.

You could exercise more, but if you compensate by eating more, you cancel your deficit.

You could eat less, but if you compensate by moving less, again you cancel your deficit.

This type of compensation can happen unconsciously, which leads to confusion about why you're not losing weight or why you're gaining. That often leads you to make excuses or blame the wrong thing... anything but the calories.

Therefore, "focus on the calorie deficit" more accurately states the most important key to weight loss than "exercise more and eat less." Make sure you understand this distinction and then follow this advice.

Last but not least, keep in mind that there are a lot of ways to establish a deficit and many of those ways are really dumb. Eating nothing but grapefruits, cabbage, twinkies... but in a deficit?... Dumb!

The bottom line is that a calorie deficit is required for fat loss, but once your deficit is established, the composition of your hypo-caloric diet DOES matter. That's why any good fat loss program starts with "calories in vs calories out" but doesn't stop there - you also need to
look at protein, essential fats, macronutrients, micronutrients, food quality and how the diet you choose fits into your lifestyle. This is the pivotal strategy that my entire Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle system hinges upon.

Don't let the simplicity of this idea fool you. This is the #1 key to your successful weight loss now and in the future:

Focus on the deficit!


As if I haven't bombarded you with enough info already, I'm going to leave you off with 5 tips to permanently burn fat using the secrets of successful weight maintainers.

Check out the top 5 tips here:

David Ogden
Helping People Help Themselves

P.S. Don't miss the top 5 tips to burn fat permanently and naturally - tips from successful weight maintainers:

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business

I was asked a question the other day if I had an opportunity or business which could earn someone $300 this week. Now I have always had issues with the thousands of emails promising this kind of result, because the business I promote take time to develop.

The problem is that there are quite a few desperate people out there who need to earn money quickly. This got me thinking and we discussed the matter for a couple of hours, often ending up back at my first answer. I tend only to market business opportunities which earn money in the long term. We discussed many subject from web hosting and selling domain names to real estate and Forex and at different time I had tried most. Some had promising starts only to turn out to be scams. The most successful was Forex trading which I ran for a year and made some good money only to lose it due to poor Internet connections and power outages at critical times.

The discussion on Forex actually prompted me to take a look at a Forex business in pre-launch which I joined at the end of last week and to my surprise it appears to be making money with potential bonus of $500 and earning of $60 per month, perhaps this is something which will fit the bill in future, only time will tell.

A colleague of mine says

There are leads all over the internet for free staring people right in the face and they do not even realize it. I must say that; only the people I work directly with will get this valuable information on calling prospects. Sorry, but I cannot reveal all the productive secrets to building a large organization within your home based business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

Healthy weigh loss is not difficult, and it does not matter what age, sex or body type you have you can always lose weight. Yes there are pills, gadgets and even clothes to help you to get or look slim, you see these adverts on a daily basis.

The key to healthy weight loss is discipline and this can apply to other areas of your life as well. weight loss can be a simple as reducing food intake, exercising or taking more drastic action such as weight loss surgery. but no matter what you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to be successful

Whatever you decide to do you must stick to you plan for the rest of your life at its simplest you need to start reducing your food intake and drink more water. Walk during small errands and get plenty of sleep well. Do not skip breakfast, this is important to start you metabolisms calorie burning activity. Downsize meals mad eat more frequently and if you can, check for the nutritional value of the product you buy or plan of buying. Plan a meal ahead and if you are to eat out, you might like to skip the dessert just for the time. But before adopting your healthy weight loss plan, you might want to consult your doctor and have a check-up.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business

Everyday you will come across a new business opportunity that maybe strikes a cord, such as Forex trading which can be a lucrative way to earn money, I found one only yesterday in pre launch and am already earning money from it. However there is more to marketing your business that simply sharing a URL. You need to know what it is you are selling, so that if people have questions you have the knowledge to answer them. Communication is one of the key to success.

There are many way of marketing your business such as phoning, emailing, using traffic exchanges and blogging to name a few. Most opportunities will also provide some basic advise on how to get started and even provide some sample copy to get going. Notice I said "get you going", you need to take action and to learn to develop your own advertising copy to put you unique stamp on what it is you are selling. Just posting the same message every day will not work.

So where do you get new content, well you can get some from the company, product or service you are promoting. the rest you will get from searching the Internet. You are looking for content which will interest your customers and explain more about what you are selling.

Do not just copy and paste information, if you find an article that interest you, rewrite it in you own words expanding or contracting as necessary to make the content your own. When you have written a few hundred articles on a particular subject you will often find you own creative juices begin to flow just by reading a snippet of information.

Some people are better at talking than writing, in which case they can write about what they are talking about. The more you write and talk about your business, the more knowledge you will gain and this will improve the marketing of you business.

A colleague of mine says

Learning how to build a stable home based business is very much the same. When we start this journey, the phone is the best tool to use right away. However, most people fear the phone. My belief is the phone is scary to people because they do not know what to say to the person on the other end

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Friday, June 8, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

I posted the other day about the plan in New York to reduce the maximum size of soda's to 16 Oz and applying fines for non compliance, well its seems that battle lines are being formed with the drinks industry starting to lobby against the ban.

Coca-Cola Co and McDonald's Corps along with beverage industry groups have said consumers should be able to make their own drink choices and that sodas are not to blame for the nation's soaring obesity rates. The industry has launched a wave of ads attacking New York City's plan, which New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced last week. Sugary drink consumption may just be a part of the U.S. obesity epidemic, but the products are the largest single source of sugar in the diet and have a major impact on health

This might mark the start of a major offensive and the drinks industry fear they may be targeted like the tobacco industry as a health hazard.Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, said targeting sugar sweetened beverages makes sense because they offer empty calories with no nutritional value.

Obesity is the major target but drinking less soda also can improve your oral health a the same time and provide saving on dental bill.

I for one cut back on fizzy drinks years ago and instead increase the amount of water consumption. drinking iced water can help you in you healthy weight loss quest as your body will burn extra calories to raise the water temperature to match that of your body. You can burn of some 70 calories a day just by consuming 8 glasses of iced water. Also remember a can of cola adds around 140 calories to your diet.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Co-operative marketing

Now all businesses like to have their websites showing on the page one of Google, and many do this by bidding on keywords for Pay Per Click (PPC) or paid adverting, which can produce quick results but is also quite costly, the alternative is to build backlinks to a site, each of which contains the keyword where the site is to appear in search engine results and also must have some content about the keyword link.

Building backlinks for marketing your business can take a lot of time and effort and this is where co-operative marketing comes in. One form of co-operative marketing is to exchange links with another business owner, however this is not recommended as the best links are one way links and you need to ensure that your keyword is in the link text.

What you really want to do is form a co-operative marketing group where you agree to add an advertisement for someone else to the content of your normal marketing your business campaign for a period of time. Now you could charge people a fee for this or else agree that each member of the marketing group will have a turn in providing an advert. Some people are averse to this idea of advertising, but one only has to look at News papers and magazines all of which carry adverts, which actually increase readers experience. In the case of the Internet one has to remember that these links will also be spread across the members social groups in a viral fashion, helping to build thousands of backlinks.

For example this marketing your business tip is from my co-op group:-

Productive work is what will make you money for the long term. Busy work is a waste if time which has no guarantee. Of course in the long term, that so called "busy work" might pay off; yet, in the start of building a business from home it is crucial to use the phone and talk to real people and have actual conversations to build rapport and trust. This is the key to building a successful home based business. .

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

A lot of hard work goes into having a lean physique, but I have provided some tips to help you out. healthy weight loss is about eating frequently and slowly. Don't forget breakfast and make sure to drink plenty of water. Protein needs to be present at every meal while making sure to create a calorie deficit. So that is the basis of todays information, now lets flesh it out a bit with more details.

  • Eat more frequently!
    If you eat something every 2 – 4 hours you will actually help yourself lose weight. The average overweight person only eats twice per day. By eating 5 – 6 times per day you will raise your metabolism and feel less hungry throughout the day.

  • Don't rush when eating your meals.
    It takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to get the message from your stomach that it is full. Eat your food slowly and savor every mouthful. The slower you eat, the more full you will feel and thus you will eat less food. So no more TV meals, make a point of sitting down with your family and enjoy food a healthy conversation

  • Do not skip breakfast!
    Research has come out that found those who skip breakfast have a harder time losing fat. Breakfast is essential for getting your metabolism burning calories in the morning. After you've starved yourself for at least 8 hours while sleeping, it is important to eat.

  • Drink plenty of water
    Drinking water is vital to healthy dieting because water is a fundamental part of human biology, you body is mostly made of of water. Many overlook how dependent we are on it. Water helps digestion and absorption of food, regulates body temperature and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins from the body just to name a few things. Water also plays a huge part in healthy weight loss. Water doesn't contain any calories and is considered an appetite suppressant. H20 also helps the body metabolise stored fat. Drinking 8oz of water before dinner can be a great trick to help from overeating.

  • Eat protein at every meal.
    Protein is the missing link in many failed diets. Eating protein makes you feel fuller longer, It is the building block of muscle, and they don't spike your insulin levels like starches. Your dinner plate should be 2 parts protein and 1 part carbohydrate, not the other way around.

  • Calorie control.
    No matter which healthy weight loss diet you choose, you need to understand how calories work. To lose 1lb of body fat, you must burn 3500 total calories. If you burn 500 calories more per day than your maintenance calorie intake for a week under, then you will lose 1lb per week. To find your maintenance calorie intake calculate your BMR and add your calories burned through activity. To lose 1lb per week, subtract 500 calories from your maintenance level.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Is it easy to market your business

Marketing you business is not easy and that is why large and medium size companies hire advertising agencies to the the work for them, but a small business owner cannot afford to do this and so has to do the marketing and advertising themselves.

If you have been around a bit you will have run across comment marketing, and it often abused because the ill-informed try to build links to their own sites, by placing comments and links on other peoples blogs and forums, which have absolutely nothing what ever to do with what they are selling. In fact for this reason in recent Google algorithm changes some popular sites lost ranking positions due to poor quality links. I personally do not allow any comments on my blogs, because I am not prepared for other people to benefit from my hard work.

Well placed and constructed backlinks are what is needed when marketing your business. The best backlink is one that contains a keyword or phrase that appears on both sites, but all backlinks need to link to a site which contains more information about that particular link text. You can place a backlink in a signature box of a blog or forum post and they work best if the content you are writing about is relevant to the link.

For example this post is about home based business:-

Network marketing is a wonderful idea for entrepreneurs to think about when starting or looking at a particular business model. The benefits of network marketing gives people the ability to start a business from the ground up with very little overhead or investment on their part without the need to hold inventory. This of course means that there is no need to carry or ship products to customers. Network marketing allows the customers of a particular company the opportunity to become distributors who spread the word about the company's products creating the perfect model for any home based business.

You content should not read like a sales blurb but instead provide quality information about your product or services that your readers will find interesting. This is a true test and is an area where many people fail, because they try to market something they have no knowledge about. It akin to opening up a restaurant with now knowledge of food, or purchasing a yacht and not knowing about sailing.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is hoping city residents will drink a lot less this summer — less soda, that is.

On Wednesday the famously public health-focused mayor proposed a ban on the sale of large-sized sugar-sweetened beverages — that includes sodas, sweetened teas and coffees, energy drinks and fruit drinks. If approved, the proposal, which is slated to take effect as early as next March, would prohibit restaurants, delis, sports arena vendors, movie theaters and food carts regulated by the city health department from selling sugary beverages in sizes larger than 16 oz. Fines for failing to downsize could be as high as $200.

The ban would apply to food service establishments selling bottled as well as fountain drinks; retailers would have to remove 20-oz. soft drink bottles from their shelves, and delis and restaurants offering self-service fountains wouldn't be able to give customers cups larger than 16 oz. The ban wouldn't affect convenience stores or grocery stores and wouldn't apply to diet drinks, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes or alcoholic beverages.

"Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public health officials are wringing their hands saying, 'Oh, this is terrible,'" Mr. Bloomberg told the New York Times. "New York City is not about wringing your hands; it's about doing something."

I just wish that governments in counties such as Malaysia and the Philippines would take action to reduce the adding of sugar to breads, it is very difficult to buy sugar free bread here/

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Daily Routine

I have a question for you today, do you market your business everyday? Now some of you will say yes, I send out my email message to my lists everyday, well that is great but I hope not exactly the same boring message. you customers or potential customers are not interested in what you say you are earning what they want to know is more about how your products and services will help them, so you need to drop the sales pitch and provide useful contents.

I write about 300-500 words about marketing your business every day 24/7/365, if I do not write something I fell guilty. The article I write I then use multiple times, sending it to blogs, forums, websites, social sites such as Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook. Now some people will say who that is duplicate content, but the answer is no because every site is slightly different. I also use classified ads and free webpages and all of these posts build backlinks to my business.

Google and other search engines reward you for supplying new content and relevant keyword specific links to your site by ranking your sites in the keywords of your choice which I covered in my earlier posts.

Depending upon my thought processes, I can usually complete this part of marketing my business in about an hour and then I can set about answering emails and contacting leads developed by my marketing system

I am developing a marketing seminar and Invite you to take a short survey to provide feedback on how you market your business at the moment.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss Before going on a weight loss diet plan it is highly recommended to get your family doctor's approval since everyone's metabolism is unique and varies from person to person depending upon age, health condition and calorie requirements.

In other words a weight loss diet plan suited to one person may not be suitable to another person. It is important to choose a weight loss diet plan suited to one's physical and medical condition in consultation with your family doctor.

Never go on a starvation diet expecting quick results since it throws your metabolism into a turmoil when it tries adjust to the weight loss diet plan. If the new healthy weight loss diet plan does not suit your health condition, it would cause more harm than good and so devise your diet plan wisely. Starvation diet deprives your body of vital nutrition needed by your body and so your body might be forced to burn up muscle tissues instead of fat to get energy for the proper functioning of your body.

It is always advisable to have a balanced healthy weight loss diet suited to your body requirements. Devise a healthy weight loss diet plan suitable to you so that the weight loss is gradual i.e around 3 kilos per month. Do not avoid fat altogether unless advised by your doctor since beneficial fat in right quantities is a must for your metabolism.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Friday, June 1, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Meta Tags

Using Metatags to market your business, now some so called experts suggest that you not longer need to use metatags when marketing online, but I know for a fact that is always improves your results, so what are meta tags,they are coding placed in the header of a web page or document which provide information for a search engine spider to use when indexing a page. some common tags are shown below

title Philippine travel /title
meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus"
meta name="Author" content=""
meta name="Keywords" content=""
meta name="Description" content=""

This Is where content of website is placed

Now the title of the document will dictate where the site will appear so if we want our site to be placed under Philippine Travel that name need to appear in the title.

We also need to place Philippine travel as one of the keywords alongside other keywords that we have researched.

The description that we type in will be what appears in search results and need to include your main keyword, if you fail to enter a description the search engine will gather some information from you site which might not be relevant to the content.

The body of the website needs to contain good content that expands on the title and keywords, which will involve quite a lot on writing. When writing content is should flow naturally without repeating keywords to many times.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss Flaming June is here so here is a list of foods to avoid this summer if you don't want to pack on unwanted weight.

  1. High-Fat Meats on the Barbecue – Steaks, brats and cheeseburgers sound (and smell) amazing when it's time to fire up the grill, but there are better options if you're trying to watch what you eat. Lean beef (go easy on the cheese) chicken and pork are lighter alternatives for the BBQ season.

  2. Take Me Out to the Ball Game – While hot dogs are basically synonymous with summer, barbecues and baseball, they are also synonymous with something else – water retention! Because of their high levels of sodium, hot dogs can cause you to retain water which can lead to avoidable weight gain.

  3. Mayonnaise-Based Salads – the word salad makes you think "healthy" but adding cups of mayo makes a normally healthy thing terribly unhealthy.

  4. Frozen Concoctions – That brightly coloured drink in the tall glass with the umbrella and chunk of fruit on top may seem fun, but what's not fun is the amount of sugar in some of those drinks.

  5. Satisfying Thirst Quenchers – It's not a good thing to drink your calories, especially when you're looking to lose weight, but that's exactly what you're doing when you down glass after glass of iced tea, lemonade, soda or juice.

  6. Refreshing Frozen Treats – One must have for the hot summer months is ice cream, however all the additional stuff that goes along with ice cream, including (but not limited too) sprinkles, sauces, whipped cream, nuts, etc. can pack on the calories to a relatively harmless treat.

  7. Frighteningly Fattening Fair Food – Anything deemed "frighteningly fattening" cannot be good for you! You've seen these things before (and maybe even tried them) deep fried Twinkies, deep fried Snickers bars, Funnel cake, etc. and while they may sound yummy and interesting, consider allowing everyone in your group one bite of each item to keep yourself from overdoing it.

  8. Salad Toppers – Salad, on its own, is a great option if you're looking to lose weight, but when you start getting fancy and throwing in cheese crumbles and bacon bits, croutons and creamy dressings you start to enter the danger zone of healthy eating!

  9. Finger-Licking Fried Chicken – We seem to think everything is better fried, but what's not better is our health! Soak some skinless chicken in a tasty marinade, add some spices, and you'll never miss the fried chicken you'd once considered!
We may be bombarded with unhealthy food choices throughout the summer, but we don't have to let it ruin our healthy weight loss diets! We can choose healthier options or just exercise some self control and only have a little of the bad stuff. Every good choice we make gets us that much closer to our weight loss goals!

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream