Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marketing Your Business - Keywords

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business

Yesterdays blog was about selecting keywords and today we are going to the next stage and going to use the site to further examine keywords relating to Philippine travel. now you will need to use the advance search features and set country to Philippines.

Now here is a keyword tip use the singular term Philippine to get the most results and it also contains the plural Philippines, so entering Philippine travel, and looking below the advertisers we see a number of general sites such as Google, Wikia, etc which we ignore but on page two come across with a rank of 735,000 Filipino Travel Center with a rank of 735,000, which is interesting as its below the 1,000,000 which is where we want our site to rank. go to the site and look at the search characteristics and you will notice that Cebu Pacific the local airline tops the search traffic, this could also be a good keyword for your site as your potential customers are likely to use the airline.

Take a look also at the sites linking in, you might want to consider linking to some of these sites yourself such as and You are probably starting to realise now that marketing and keyword research is a much bigger subject, than just grabbing a keyword out of thin air. Keyword research can take weeks or months but is time well spent to ensure that you will build a site that will become popular.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss - Glycemic Index

The Glycemic Index (GI) has received a lot of attention lately as the standard for determining "good" carbs vs. "bad" carbs. But it's actually quite misleading.

The GI ranks foods based on how much the blood sugar increases after it is consumed. The higher the number on the GI scale, the greater the increase in blood sugar.

When blood sugar goes up, insulin levels rise. And because high levels of insulin are associated with increased fat storage and suppressed fat burning, it is said that eating high GI foods can make you fatter than eating low GI foods.

However, the mistake in adhering to the GI for your carb choices is this: The index is based on carbs being eaten by themselves and on an empty stomach, something you should never do if you want to lose fat. You always want to a.) combine a protein source with your carbs, and b.) eat frequently throughout the day.

For example, a potato has a very high GI, but if you combine it with a chicken breast, the GI of the combination of the two is much lower than the potato by itself.

Rice cakes also have a high GI. But if you spread a little peanut butter on them, the fat slows the absorption of the carbs, thereby lowering the GI of the combination.

So, when you combine a protein source with your carbs at every meal, and you eat frequently throughout the day, like you should for fat loss, the GI becomes insignificant.

So, instead of using the Glycemic Index as the criteria for choosing your carbs, as so many people do, simply choose "natural carbs" over those that are "processed."

Natural carbs are those picked from the ground or a tree, such as fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, yams, brown rice, potatoes, beans, lentils, yams, etc.

Processed carbs are "man-made," and you want to especially limit those that are white and refined, such as pasta, white bread, bagels, crackers, white rice, pretzels, chips, and refined sugars.

(Note: there are some "acceptable" processed carbs that are the exception to the rule, such as 100% whole grain bread.)

Key points to remember:

1. The GI is based on those carbs being eaten by themselves and on an empty stomach, something you should never do if you want to lose fat.

2. When you combine a protein source with your carbs at each meal, and you eat frequently throughout the day, like you should for fat loss, the GI becomes insignificant.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business

There are many steps one needs to take to to market an online business, the first of which is to identifying you target customers. One way of doing this is to use Google tools such as the Adwords keyword selector, Google and Alexa search. you have to put yourself in the position of a potential customer, what words are they likely to enter into a search engine and find your site.

They may for example enter your company name if they know it, but it is more likely they will use some other phrase, let us suppose your are a travel company in the Philippines offering tours to inbound tourists perhaps you might start with the words Philippine travel.

The Google keyword tool will then produce a listing of keywords related to Philippine travel such as Philippine travel tours, Philippine travel guide, together with a listing of expected monthly search and how competitive the keyword is, i.e. how difficult it might be to get to page one of search results.

Once you have say half a dozen options, then go to the second stage and enter each in to Google and make a note of the number of PPC adverts which appear in the results, if there are no adverts it probably means it is not a good keyword to use. you will also see who your competitors are likely to be.

Do the same thing in Alexa and look at the Alexa rankings of your competitors and also what are their popular keyword searches.

By the time you have finished this exercise you will have a good ideas of what keywords you need to have in your site, and then its a matter of testing them out. which I will deal with in my next blog

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

Healthy weight loss is not rocket science it just requires the correct approach and discipline

Keep the desires to lose weight burning in your heart? Yes, the road to weight loss success may be tough and an uphill climb but with much determination and desire to lose the extra pounds will be reachable.

Also, do not put yourself in a situation wherein you might be tempted to eat more. As much as possible consider healthier options. If you are fond of eating then it is better to provide yourself with alternative snacks like fruits, vegetable sticks, crackers rather than burgers and fries. Stay away from drinks that could add up to the calories in your body. It is better to drink water or green tea to pave the way for a faster metabolism.

You can also surround yourself with a support group that can help you monitor the way you eat and the way you exercise. They will serve as a constant reminder that you need to do this and you can do it with the help of your family and friends. Also, bear in mind that you are not doing this for the sake of looking good but being healthy in order to avoid any cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other conditions that may prove to be fatal.

Take things one at a time. You do not need to drag yourself to crash dieting. Make small goals like losing about 2 pounds in a week and increasing it as the weeks go by. Small goals are much attainable than bigger ones. Set a goal and make it happen.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

If you count your calories you need to adjust you calorie count as you lose weight.

Most people fix their calorie intake to a given number and expect to lose weight at the same constant rate over a period of weeks. Hence, dieters look for 1000 calorie or 1800 calorie diet plans on the Internet. The fixed calorie diet plans don't work. If you burn 3000 calories a day at the start of a diet, after a week or two of losing some weight, you are no longer burning 3000 calories. Now you might be burning 2800 calories. If you fix your calorie intake in the face of a decreasing calorie expenditure, your weight loss will slow down more and more as you lose weight.

If you want to lose weight at a constant rate, you must repeatedly:

  • decrease your calorie intake to accommodate the calorie expenditure drop
  • increase your calorie output by exercising more
I would like to note that you must set realistic slow weight loss goals. If you go for fast weight loss you would not be able to sustain it for a long period unless you go extreme in the calorie reduction and exercise a lot. For people who have to lose more than 20 pounds (10kgs), the goal should be a loss of no more than 2 pounds or 1 kg per week. People who need to lose just a bit of weight should go for weight loss of 1 pound or half a kilogram per week.

You may ask Why does my calorie expenditure drop as I lose weight? The most important factors are:

  • You weight less. A smaller body burns less calories both at rest and while active
  • You may involuntarily burn fewer calories. Dieters often lack energy and move less
  • Calorie restriction suppresses the metabolic rate
  • You have less body fat, which may further suppress your metabolic rate
These major factors contribute to an ever-decreasing energy expenditure as one loses weight. The more a dieter cuts calories, the bigger the calorie expenditure drop. The leaner the dieter, the greater the calorie expenditure drop.

Now you must understand that if you want healthy weight loss, you have to make changes in your nutrition plan. I recommend burning more calories, because being more active facilitates smaller calorie restriction and milder calorie expenditure drop.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fastrack to Fat Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, are you looking for a rapid weight loss? Rapid weight loss, also commonly referred to as quick weight loss or fast weight loss, involves losing weight in a short period of time, often anywhere from two to seven days.

Millions of people from around the world are trying to lose weight. Many people wish to lose weight before an important event, like an upcoming vacation or a wedding. While it is defiantly possible to understand how you can want to lose weight quickly, namely as fast as possible, you need to proceed with caution. Although it is possible to lose weight, at least a little bit of it, in a relatively quick period of time, you should know that there are dangers associated with doing so.

One of the many dangers of rapid weight loss is some of the many measures that some people take. For instance, it is common to hear of individuals who have decided not to eat, while trying to achieve a rapid weight loss. Going without food, for even a short period of time, can be dangerous to your health. A better alternative is to cut back on the food that you do eat or to just make sure that it is healthy foods in which you are eating. By limiting your calories, you should be able to achieve at least a small weight loss in the time that you were looking to. It is just very important that you do eat.

In addition to eating healthy, another component of weight loss is exercise. Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize that it can take up to one week to notice the signs of exercise. With that in mind, the more weight you need to lose, the sooner it is that you may start seeing results. While exercise is a major component of losing weight, it is important that you do not overdo it, especially if you haven't had a regular exercise plan. Running on the treadmill for three hours, instead of thirty minutes, may help reduce your calorie intake, but, at the same time, it may also land you in the hospital.

Another problem that is often associated with rapid weight loss is the taking of medications or other weight loss products. The good news is that many of these products do work and some are even safe, but you may not be able to tell what you are getting. If you are interested in using a weight loss product, like a diet pill or a cleanse, to help you lose weight, it is important that you do the proper amount of research first. This research may involve checking product reviews, to see if the product is effective, or speaking with a healthcare professional.

As you can see, it is important that you proceed with caution when trying to achieve rapid weight loss. Although unexpected events or appearances do popup, most individuals have at least a months worth of notice before attending a large event, like a wedding or even a vacation. As soon as you know about your upcoming event, you are advised to start trying to lose weight then, if you are interested in doing so. Rapid weight loss can be dangerous; therefore, you shouldn't rely on it if possible.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

The question that which healthy weight loss diet is the best reminds one of a a vintage children's bedtime story. The fairly tale continues about a self-infatuated, envious queen mother who had in her possession a magic mirror. The mirror could tell the most wonderful.

One time on questioning the mirror, who was the fairest of all of them, the mirror had the audacity to mention some pretty girl named after the winters precipitation as well as colour; albeit that Snow White was unacquainted with her crowning beauty.

Like the murderous plot that follows inside story therefore it is with claims and counter claim ones is the best diet. Each diet proposes superiority since it beats-down on others. However as different diet proponents jostle to look at crown of "the healthy weight loss diet", science appears to be particularly oblivious of exclusively of any diet. Studies show it is unlikely that a single diet is optimal for those over weight persons. Different diets have their different comparative advantage. As a result one diet can be more effective for some people and stay ineffective to others.

As an example, a minimal carb diet enthusiast might hold on the notion that nothing cuts body fat like fried chicken. Indeed studies have shown high protein high fat diets like Atkins and South Beach diets results to improved numbers of triglycerides plus result to weight loss. Additionally, it has demonstrated that some individuals can easily remain on most of these diet and cause a lot of weight loss as a result of high satiety.

Mind you, high satiety is probably the strongest selling points of the diet like Atkins. Since weight loss diets involve calorie reduction it often comes with reduced levels of food. With stomach accustomed to being full, diets might occur to excruciating hunger.

Adhere to what they you are a bread lover the top protein high fat diets indicates to be punitive. Individuals with a taste for carbohydrates will have a tendency to lose interest with the diet in time.

Similarly reduce glycemic load diets such as the now famous G.I diet shows to work in mitigating Diabetes type 2 symptoms, which in turn accompanies obesity, and also results to weight loss.

Perhaps the more drastic Minimal Calories Diet (VLCD) indicates in order to work in bringing on weight loss. But a thing of caution with VLCDs; it's best administered with a qualified physician who understand what they're doing physiologically and nutritionally. Which means evidence on VCLD is not a opt for cabbage soup diet.

Other diets just like the Mediterranean diet have also shown similar results in healthy weight loss because more acceptable conventional diet.

The conventional healthy weight loss diet includes reducing calorie intake by 500Kcal- 1000Kcal per day. This leads to 1 to 2 pound of weights loss every week. 55% of the energy ought to be from carbohydrates, 15% from proteins and 30% from fats.

With out a one fits all diet, if seems better to design a weight loss diet based on individual needs, conditions and preference inside a safe and healthy manner. Obesity is a result of several factors. Individualizing helps one to tackle the factors tightly related to them building a diet and also the whole weight loss plan effective.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Are you using Your Free Verblog

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Using your Vereblog

I really find it hard to understand why it that virtually no new user to Veretekk bothers to setup up their Vereblog. I do not know if it lack of confidence to write or lack of understanding of how a simple action of posting information can build backlinks and promote your business for FREE.

Yes this a FREE resource why do you not use it. When you write your blog post it will appear on you profile, you can even set it up so it is the default page for your profile. Your vereblog will also show up on all your friends pages, building additional backlinks.

You vereblog post can also be sent out to you email contact via a simple click of a few buttons, shared on multiple social sites, with the click of a few buttons and also shared in Veretekk groups, posted to 1st family classifieds and made into stand alone web sites using Freepage. you Simple FREE blog post can turn viral and be read by hundreds if not thousands of peoples building backlinks to your profile and business for FREE.

I actually hate promoting Free things, due to all the freeloaders who are never prepared to spend money and just waste people time but this simple tool and action of posting every day will get you results.

Ok now you know who will see it, what are you going to write about. Start with writing about yourself or something that interests you, it can be anything, travel, sport, life experience, business, product reviews, health tips, but please NO SELLING

Attach a signature file to the end of each post to sites you want to promote and that is where what I call the silent selling is done, if people like what you are writing about they will follow the links. The Vereblog attracts search engine spiders to what I call this spider food of content and will also follow these links for more information.

The first task is for you to take action and start writing as you gain confidence you will start to modify what you write about to provide answers for people that are searching for information.

You will not get any results if you do not take action, so come on pull your finger out and get going if you want success. Still cant get going, then Write a post giving reasons why you cannot follow this simple idea. Or perhaps you prefer to pay me $50 a day and I will do it for you:)

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight loss

We all know that one of the basics of healthy weight loss is to burn more calories than we eat, it sounds simple, however many people have difficulty with this, mainly because of the word exercise.

Exercise is an essential part of any healthy weight loss lifestyle change.There are many ways to lose calories without having to resort to an expensive gym membership or a torturing work out regime. The key is staying active and moving around. You can do that at home, at work, or any other place.

Here are some ideas to get you started

  • Move some furniture around
  • Go on a mini golf date
  • Pull the weeds out in your yard
  • Try some retail therapy– you'll burn 10 calories each outfit you try on
  • Put some tunes on and sing your heart out
  • Play charades at the next dinner party
  • Go bowling or roller skating with some friends
  • Do some yoga before bed
  • Clean your car
  • Carry your own groceries in and put them away
  • Go to the beach for a walk or a swim
  • Go horse riding or mountain biking in the countryside
  • Use the stairs rather than an escalator or lift
  • Take the dog or kids for a walk

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Emotional Eating

Are you an emotional eater who eats large quantities of comfort food as a result of emotional needs rather than hunger

examples of emotional eating are :-

  • You aren't hungry enough to eat an apple but you are definitely interested in diving into your favourite treat.
  • You feel stressed about a particular issue or something going on in your life but instead of dealing with it directly, you delay by heading off to find your favourite snack food.
  • You turn to foods or beverages when you feel fatigued and need energy.
  • When you do something good, you celebrate with a food related treat because you feel like you deserve it.

You may be reading this feeling a little guilty knowing that you sometimes eat emotionally, maybe even as recently as right before reading this article, but don't fret! I'm here to tell you the truth about emotional eating.

The reality is, most people emotionally eat at times. Often we are told that our eating habits are the culprit behind all of our problems… that it's the emotional eating or the overeating that is bad or wrong behaviour.

Food is a very emotional thing and it stems back all the way to when we were babies and our mother or parents would nourish us with breast milk or a bottle while holding us and giving us comfort and love.

In many cultures, food is used as an integral part of celebration and this is not a big deal, in fact many of those cultures have a healthier relationship with food than we do.

The problem isn't eating out of emotion. The problem is when you continue to ignore the emotion that is causing you to turn to food for comfort. When you eat to make yourself feel better, you are eating in order to fill a void.

But the thing is, food only temporarily fills that void. You will never be truly satisfied until you learn that what you really need is to fill the void with what you really want, not with food.

So you see, emotional eating really isn't even about food at all. Instead, the unhealthy sort of emotional eating is about things like a lack of:

  • Pleasure and happiness
  • Control over your life
  • Awareness and attention to what you really want

Emotional eating is simply a signal for you to begin paying more attention to what is really going on in your life that is causing you to practice these behaviours.

Eating to comfort oneself is not inappropriate. It has served a purpose for you. It had to have, otherwise you wouldn't have done it. Let's take this notion a step further. YOU are not inappropriate. Your eating habits are not something to feel guilty about or judge yourself over. You haven't done anything wrong. Like I said, we all have eaten out of emotion. Even I still eat out of a need for comfort versus hunger a large chunky chocolate bar is great, even knowing what I know. The key is to:

  • Understand what you are doing and why.
  • Understand what you actually need—i.e. how you can take care of yourself and fill the void that needs to be filled.
When you understand and can take action on these two things, then the emotional eating will end with a few cookies or a single serving of chips rather than the whole bag. In other words, when you learn how to take care of the root issue, the emotional eating will naturally go away on its own.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Free Symbiotic Marketing Seminar

marketing your business

I am hosting a free online seminar. Do not let free fool you. I understand the power of groups and building powerful marketing campaigns with the art of delegation. When done right, the results are incredible. But that's the secret. Doing it "right". It;s called Symbiotic Marketing. This Thursday at 12pm noon PST. Scroll to the bottom of my site for the Calendar and room access. Let me know if you saw this ad, I would be intereted in your comments

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Videos

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

A Mediterranean style diet is a great way to keep fat a bay, when I lived in Cyprus, I used to enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables and eat salad everyday, now in the Philippines the choice is more limited. here are a few tips on creating a healthy weight loss salad/

  • Not only ate there many types of lettuce but you can also include cucumber and tomato as staple items. Do get creative and add as many colours as possible. Red peppers, yellow squash, orange carrot shavings, purple heirloom potatoes, even bright green kiwi will add crunch and flavour to your salad. my favourites are fresh pineapple and mango.
  • Avoid high fat meats. Chicken and beef are great additions to a healthy salad, but be careful about the cut of the meat and the preparation method. Avoid fried, breaded or "crispy" chicken, and stay away from ground beef.
  • Do add lean protein like grilled chicken breast and lean cuts of beef such as sliced tenderloin or flank steak. Fish is another great addition. Try salmon or tuna.
  • Don't get carried away with toppings. A healthy salad can become a high fat diet disaster with the addition of croutons, bacon bits, cheese or high fat salad dressings.
  • Do choose one healthy fat and add it sparingly. Avocado, low fat cheese, or a yogurt salad dressing will give your salad a satisfying creaminess. But use the Nutrition Facts label as your guide and add just one serving to keep the calorie count in check.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Many people have difficulty with healthy weight loss programs, but to be honest its actually a matter or common since and applying some simple rules

1. Watch the Oil
Trim down the need for cooking with oil by using non-stick pans. Dry frying or grilling food can mean a reduction in a vast amount of oil consumed in a short space of time and therefore has the positive effect of cutting those calories without you having to go hungry. It really can be that simple!

2. Use smaller plates
Over the years portion sizes in restaurants and cafes have got bigger and bigger in the West and our idea of a healthily sized meal has increased to match. It's easier than you think to trick your mind into eating less. Simply use smaller crockery and cutlery and you will be amazed how quickly you adapt to feeling full with smaller portions without you even being aware of it. This doesn't mean you have to re-vamp your kitchen, just give yourself a little help in learning to listen to your body, so you can stop eating before your feel full.

3. Take your Time Eating
It takes about twenty minutes for the stomach to signal to the brain that it is full which means that if you eat too fast you are in danger of consuming more calories than necessary. Taking the time to chew each mouthful for longer and therefore savouring your food in a relaxing way will reduce the tendency towards overeating. Furthermore, eating more slowly is healthier for your digestive system. If you still feel a little hungry after finishing your meal, don't deny yourself more food, just put it on hold for twenty minutes and get on with your day. More often than not you will forget about food and not need to eat anything else till the next meal.

4. Eat Soya Beans
The vegetable protein found in beans makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time and will therefore stop you craving unhealthy snacks between meals. Soy beans help you burn fat by breaking down fatty deposits and the lecithin they contain prevents cells from storing fat. Add beans to soups, salads, and classic dishes like spaghetti bolognaise. Ask your personal trainer for ideas.

5. Nutritious snack to go
If you know you will be out for the day take a packed lunch with you. Not only will it save you money it will enable you to eat healthily and you are much less likely to stop off at McDonalds. Pack sandwiches with handfuls of raw spinach or watercress and make up a fruit salad for pudding or snacks.

6. Fruit and Veg for browsing
If its snacks you crave then opting for low calorie ones is obvious, but some foods give your body no choice but to lose weight. Many foods take more energy to digest them than the energy they contain in the form of calories. You can feel full yet lose weight simply by eating these negative calorie foods and the list includes apples, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumber, green beans, lettuce, onion, papaya, pineapple, raspberries, spinach, strawberries and tangerines. Make sure your eat them raw and of course adding calorific foods to them isn't going to work!

7. Hold the sauce
It is well known that sauces such as mayonnaise are high in fat and tomato sauce is high in sugar and the addition of sauces to main meals and sandwiches can vastly increase the number of calories consumed without us really being aware of how much. Substituting these with lower calorie options like mustard can make a difference. You may even notice an improvement in flavour, so try lime on fish or avocado and add a healthy zing to your culinary experience.

8. Spice up your Food
Just half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper added to a meal meant diners consumed an average of 60 calories less at their following meal compared to those without this spicy additive in a recent experiment. Research showed that lacing food with cayenne pepper reduced the preoccupation with food as well as the tendency to crave salt, sugar and foods high in fat. This spice (as well as chilli, black pepper and ginger) also raises the metabolism which leads to the burning of more calories.

9.Keep hydrates
Most of us know how important it is to drink water and the prevailing wisdom recommends eight glasses a day for more energy and less hunger amongst other benefits, but if you drink cold water your body is forced to do a little extra work in heating the water back up therefore increasing your metabolism which means you lose weight.

10. Oral Hygiene
Yes of course for healthy teeth, but also to help with weight loss surprisingly. After you've eaten your (reduced!) portion of food, clean your teeth straight away or if this is unpractical chew on some minty sugar-free gum for a few minutes. This will signal to your brain that it's the end of mealtime and if you are tempted to eat more you will soon find that most food doesn't taste that great with mint.

So there you have it some healthy weight loss tips to help you keep your program on track

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, May 21, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

If you are serious about losing weight, find a healthy weight loss diet that appeals to your taste buds. If it's one your family can follow, so much the better—that way you aren't making different meals for you and your family.

The form of the calories you take in matters for only one reason: helping you stick with the diet. If you prefer protein, then a higher-protein diet might help you lose weight better than a diet that emphasizes carbohydrates. If you like variety and vegetables, try a Mediterranean approach. If you believe that eating fat makes you fat (it doesn't, anymore than eating protein or carbohydrate makes you fat), then try a low-fat approach like one of the Ornish plans.

Better yet, build your own healthy weight loss plan. It should provide plenty of choices, have few restrictions, and be as good for your heart, bones, and brain as it is for your waistline. It should be a diet you are excited about trying, or at least not dreading. Most important, it should deliver fewer calories than you usually take in.

What's the best way to determine that? If you can see a nutritionist, she or he can help you figure out how many calories you usually consume. The process usually involves keeping a diary or record of everything you eat, drink, and nibble on over the course of three days. This can be converted to calorie counts and your daily caloric intake. You can also do this yourself online, suggests study co-author Kathy McManus, R.D., director of the nutrition department at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Many web sites offer online food diaries that automatically calculate your calorie intake. Some you have to pay for, others offer up ads for diet products. A free, and ad-free, site worth trying is SuperTracker, set up by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to support its new food pyramid. The site also has an exercise tracker.

Once you know how many calories you take in on an average day, you can set a target for the future. A 500 calorie deficit is a good place to start. Do that for a week, and you'll lose a pound of fat (which is the equivalent of 3,500 calories). You can adjust your diet to take in 500 fewer calories a day. Or you can cut back by 250 calories (the amount of calories in a 20-oz bottle of sugary soda pop, a 16-ounce vanilla latte, or a jelly donut) and exercise long enough to burn an extra 250 calories (walk an extra 2 miles, take 5,000 more steps, swim for an extra 20 minutes, or do whatever exercise you prefer). This kind of healthy weight loss plan doesn't have a catchy name. But it has something better—a proven record of success.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Keywords for marketing your business

I have noticed that many people sign up for veretekk and then seem to do nothing, expecting things to happen automatically. Yes the system is a great inter grated marketing machine but you need to learn both how to set it up and how to use it, just logging in on a daily basis will not bring success.


One of the first things you need to understand is the importance of keywords, so what is a Keyword. A keyword is a word or phrase that someone  types into a search engine query box to find what they are looking for. Now your job is to find keywords that best describe the business or service that you are offering. Popular keywords such as "marketing" show in a lot of search results and competition can be high, so you  need use tools such as  Google Adwords Keyword Tool

Now you need to bear in mind that this tools is designed to help pay per click advertisers choice which keyword they wish to bid on but we can also use it for our research, together with entering keyword in both Google and Alexa search boxes to see the results. Generally speaking if you see no paid adverts for a particular keyword it is not a good one but there are some exceptions for instant in names of People, or search which include a location name.

When starting out you may research about half a dozen keywords about your business and these will become the main keywords that you will write about and promote to build backlinks to your business. follow this link to watch my keyword video for more information.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tool  |  RSS  |  Conference Room

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Almost half of American adults are projected to be obese by the year 2030, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Experts said prevention is the best way to handle the problem and we should be starting with children of a very young age.

"For many parents, a chubby baby or a chubby toddler in their mind is a sign that they're doing something well,"
said Leslie Heinberg, PhD, a body image expert from the Cleveland Clinic.

A new study finds mothers of overweight toddlers typically have inaccurate perceptions of their child's body size.

"The mothers of the overweight kids were quite satisfied with their weight. So, the concern with this is rather than being a bit vigilant that their children are beginning to put on excess weight, the moms were perfectly satisfied. The chances of making any kind of behaviour change when you don't think there is a problem and you're satisfied is really next to none,"
said Heinberg.

Researchers from the University of Maryland studied nearly 300 mother-toddler pairs. The mothers were asked to select a silhouette that correctly reflected their child's true body size. Nearly 70 percent of mothers inaccurately assessed their toddler's body size.

Researchers said misperception of a child's size could lead to inappropriate feeding behaviours, like encouraging a healthy-weight child to eat more.

"When you're thinking about a 20-month old being underweight is probably the greatest risk because that has an impact on their cognitive development, as well as their physical and behavioural development. When we think about the kids that are overweight some of them may not proceed to being overweight as school-aged children or adolescents, but they're at greater risk of developing those problems with overweight and obesity,"
said Heinberg.

Heinberg said parents need to pay attention to their pediatrician's growth chart.

Overweight children are likely to be overweight teens who are likely to be overweight adults.

"It makes sense to focus on children to prevent obesity in the first place, but we also need to reach out to adults,"
said Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Sebelius spoke at an obesity conference. She and other experts agree the nation can't afford to expand its waistline any longer.

Another obesity-related study focused on teenagers and their television habits. It said those who watched the most TV ate fewer fruit and vegetables each day, and consumed more candy and sodas.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy Weight loss is about burning far more calories than you eat. That would seem uncomplicated plenty of, but if ended up definitely that very simple, none of us would have a weight problem. Two usually we consider drastic measures to see outcomes like diet programs, tablets or people strange health and fitness gadgets on infomercial that guarantee instantaneous good results.The actual fact is healthy weight loss is simple, it's the least difficult portion of life style management and health and fitness restoration. The tough piece is creating up one's head for making the required improvements.

The healthiest solution to eliminate excess weight is neither crash diet programs nor bursts of exercise. The system likes gradual modifications when it comes to foods and workout. Despite the fact that there are numerous diet plan systems and specialty fitness gear easily available, persons are even now struggling with healthy weight loss. Whilst the majority of people would enjoy shedding pounds.

Also losing fat doesn't necessarily mean you have to target strictly on keeping away from specific foods. Adding far more nutritious, low-fat foods to your diet provides you with enjoyment when you just take off extra weight. While generating basic dietary alterations, endeavour to get in about thirty minutes of bodily exercise per day to burn off calories.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Many people know that if you want a long life span and a body that is strong, eating healthy is of all importance. The power to resist infection and sickness is made simpler when you are healthy internally. However, so often we are not able to commit to a nutrition plan or setting goals around nutritious eating. You are helped when you take hold of the realization that along with healthy choices, are tips and plans apart from what you put in your mouth. Attitudes and behaviour carry weight in terms of your health.

We all are familiar with what is nutritious, and there is a reason we are familiar with it. Try making daily nutritional choices that include grains, fruits and vegetables. When you desire to eat something in between meals, instead of eating junk, eat nutritiously. Furthermore, you can consume grains that are whole in diverse ways. As an illustration, whole grain breads are widely available in different ways. Cereals, rice and pastas that are made with whole grains are also easily accessible. With the diverse selections out there, it won't be hard to discover a food you love. The general public ingest a tiny bit on account of loving what they are tasting. A great attribute of our lifestyle is food.

However, if you understand certain foods are not the best to consume, simply don't eat them as often. There is not a cardinal rule that says you have to throw out every food that doesn't provide nutrients. The easiest approach is to look at where you get the greatest amount of sugars, salts and unhealthy fats in your diet. Deciding how you could minimize the amount you consume would be next. It is a suggestion that is simple and won't hurt too badly.

Some people prefer a very traditional view of eating a natural and wholesome diet. This natural foods school uses a single factor to decide whether or not a certain food is worthy of consumption. If you want to follow this way of thought, you have to exclude any foods that weren't around in the 19th century. As long as you avoid these newer, processed foods, you could still invent new recipes, of course.

Staying away from artificial and processed items our diets would become much more natural. If you follow this advice, you're also supposed to avoid all but three areas of the supermarket. You can, if you adhere to this, shop only for dairy, produce and meat and stay away from everything else.

Nowadays, it's easy to find useful advice on health and nutrition online. So a lack of knowledge is really not a good excuse in this case. Don't make these topics harder than they need to be, as it's mainly a matter of applying the right principles consistently. Losing weight can be a challenge at first, but once you find some success, make sure that you maintain your momentum so you don't gain it back.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Free Seminar on Business Marketing

Thomas Prendergast
Veretekk CEO

This Wednesday at Noon (May 16, 2012) at 12pm noon PST I will be hosting a special open house for the newly subscribed and seasoned members of Veretekk.

This event will cover the V2 Integration capabilities that have recently become even more powerful than ever. (And you can plagiarize this you have my permission) Integration

You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. Let me try to illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. in·te·grate
[in-ti-greyt] Show IPA verb, in·te·grat·ed, in·te·grat·ing. verb (used with object)

  1. to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
  2. to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
  3. to unite or combine.
A note about my background and experience: I started into Marketing at a very young age. In a thumbnail, I was born to be an artist. My parents were horrified about this claiming that artist starve to death. This freaked me out. So I bought many books on marketing art and marketing in general. One of those books, "Confessions of an Advertising Man", by David Ogilvy I purchased in 1980. That book changed my life. In 1984 Soon after I acquired my first computer and the quest to merge was on.

I coined the term back in the 90s as Data Base Marketing, but today, with the advent of a progressing Internet, and related technologies, what was a tactical or strategic action in the 80s today is represented by a digital counterpart.

Today's Internet Marketer is by far a lot less qualified to be in marketing than his counterpart 20 years ago. Today one can just claim to be an SEO master or an Internet Marketer simply because the information to discover the basics and intricacies to do so are at everyone's fingertips. This does not diminish the effectiveness of today's marketer over the marketing agency of 20 years ago, it just establishes that things have changed on a massive scale.

20 years ago it took a Marketing Department to accomplish what most Internet marketers set upon themselves to do today on their own. (This is why so many fail and/or have a chronic case of ADD; Attention Deficit Disorder). NOTE: "I suffer from this myself"

The marketing tools of the Internet, the ability to measure results, the ability to research on the Internet is a dream come true to a seasoned and long time experienced ad man as myself. But it also brings with it a serious risk potential and that is the undertaking of keeping track of and updating each of the aspects that compromise Internet Marketing today.

Back before the Internet an ad agency had many people for each respective responsibility, one department for sending direct mail, another for tradeshows and conferences and yet another for display advertising and printed material, press releases, radio ads, conventions, etc.....

This is why the majority of Internet marketers are tactical (focused mostly on one aspect like SEO) instead of being strategic, having a full focus of research, analysis, multifaceted campaigns using all the tools required for full scale Internet marketing, keeping it organized and processing the constant information caused by such a campaign.

Tools ie:

  • Hosting for domains and websites
  • Auto responders email for follow-up communications
  • Web Conference Rooms for live meetings, educational seminars, training connecting.
  • SEO systems, back links, authority sites, forums, blogs, etc.
  • Display advertising
  • A social networking system and management
  • Lead generating systems or resources for a steady inventory of leads.
  • Contact data management system, calendars, reminders component.

The need to integrate all these aspects is paramount otherwise the marketing campaign is limited to a tactical approach, with poor management and even worse results. IE: hit and miss attempts, scattered approaches caused by lack of a solid strategy, impulsively running from one idea to another, the results are mediocre at best and worse, forgetting what was done in the past as this method also lacks tracking the posts, ads, and tactics, etc. used.

I have seen competent SEO marketers run from one domain to another, buying more domains and creating sites just for posting more content on pointing to other sites pointing to other sites creating a mass of gibberish that at best might increase an Alexa ranking to some degree but never really amounting to anything but time wasted.

This same phenomena can be seen with many people on the Internet running from one business idea or opportunity to the other. With no clear-cut objective, this is why most Internet marketers fail.

When you integrate the entire process, from research analysis (keeping track of that), keyword analysis, targeted content, pre written letters ready for your sequential mail auto responders, team building with a symbiotic group, videos and audio animations and screen captured demos, capture pages (tested with your group in our Bull Pen: focus groups increase the overall effectiveness of design and strategy), blogging and other partners in your group blogging on your behalf, back linking strategies and keeping track of the thousands of authority site memberships for additional effect, ratings with Google Page ranks and Alexa ranks and tracking that, traffic tracking, running display ads and managing that, running Google adsense ads, Facebook Ads etc and tracking, radio ads and cableTV ads. Whew!

All of this seems very overwhelming to accomplish 'on your own'. However the very core of Veretekk and it's services and benefits allows you to run full throttle professional campaigns like this without resorting to hiring an agency to do it, or having a dozen or so unrelated services in an attempt to run something akin to this on your own

This level of marketing is what you will see from top income earners and the very successful among the halls of the top ranked members of Internet Marketing. This is the "why" for why we built Veretekk.

It is called integration. The entire Veretekk system is completely integrated so you can ramp up and run a far more effective marketing campaign. Ad to this the Market Manager and the fact that V2 social network element gives you the added benefit of building a symbiotic group to make your efforts that much more powerful.

This Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 12pm NOON PST I will be conducting another 2-3 hour seminar

To attend this free seminar Click Here and scroll to bottom of page enter you name and select the event

12:00 PM - Veretekk Inc. V2 Marketing Integration
You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. At this seminar I will illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. Invite your guests. It's open house

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Many people make the mistake of moving from one diet to another and as a result their weight if constantly moving up and down. what you actually need to develop is a healthy weight loss lifestyle change. Some common mistakes that people make are:-

1. Skipping breakfast
Many people body fat believe simply eating less and skipping meals helps shed that fat. And breakfast is indeed a easy meal to skip. This can be one of the greatest mistakes you possibly can make when on the weight reduction eating plan. In case you leave the house every day before eating any breakfast you're much more tempted to eat more at morning tea and lunchtimes. And, calories you consume at breakfast time are typically burnt the whole day.

2. Eat one day and not another
Over eating on one day,then feeling guilty, and end up eating virtually nothing the following day. In case you "starve" yourself during the day you're much more likely you can eat more in the evenings, which isn't likely to enable you to lose weight. You ought to consume most of your calories each morning.

3. Buying diet food
Searching for the foods marked diet, low-fat, healthy etc. This is a great practice to get into, however you need to buy for the right reason.Many people think they can totally disregard portion size. When you eat diet foods in large portions you're not doing yourself any favours.

4. Having the wrong Mindset What you think is what you get if you thing you will always will be fat you will.This can be mindset that you need to break if you wish to lose some serious weight. Sometimes it seems like you're doing the right things rather than coming to a progress, this is totally natural.You'll want to concentrate on being happy and healthy all night . your goals. Never get up to date in "the big picture".

5. Eating salads as main meals
Eating salad is a great way of keeping the quantity you consume utterly? Yes, meal of salad has a lot less calories a pizza but is there the same satisfaction? When you eat you mind has to get some good satisfaction from whatever you have just eaten. Some people after eating salads for meals several hours later will go back to the cupboard searching for more food. It is better to eat a structured meal with slightly more calories than only eating a salad and snacking afterwards.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Many people make a mistake when going on a diet to loss weight, yes you can use weight loss pills to get the weight off but you actually need also to change your lifestyle habits to keep your weight off. Should you be one of the individuals who want to begin living a healthier lifestyle you're going to discover that starts with healthy eating but it doesn't end there. In the following paragraphs we're going to be taking a look at a few of the things you're going to need to do with regards to actually living a healthy lifestyle.

Maintaining a healthy diet, as we talked about earlier, is an important aspect to living a healthy lifestyle but many folks don't actually understand how to eat healthy. Something many people do not recognize is that the amount of fruits and vegetables they should be eating every single day has gone up and in total you need to be getting between 9 and 12 servings every single day of this kind of food. I'm sure you know that many people that don't even get one serving of every of these daily, and you should understand that this is not a healthy option. Simply because your body cannot function properly unless it is obtaining the proper nutrition is the biggest reason eating these types of food is so essential.

Being at your ideal weight will be another thing you're going to need to do if you want to end up living a healthy lifestyle. Many folks will simply think that they're not really that overweight but something they don't comprehend is the fact that even 20 pounds can wind up causing health conditions. Being overweight can not only lead to heart conditions and also cardiovascular disease but it can also end up leading to diabetes and a number of other health problems. When it comes to actually shedding weight you are going to discover that exercise will be an excellent way to achieve this and exercise will additionally provide your body with a great many other health benefits.

Another thing you're going to want to do is make sure that you go to the doctors at least once a year for an annual checkup to make sure you remain healthy. While you'll want to see your doctor just in case you come down with any type of medical condition, you are going to also be able to tell if you are deficient in nutrition. While eating fruits and veggies are important your doctor may also end up prescribing nutritional supplements for anyone who might be deficient in any sort of vitamin.

With regards to living a healthy lifestyle there are lots of different things you need to think about and the suggestions above are just the beginning. For people searching for other ways to live a healthy life you should try doing a search in the major search engines or follow this blog.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, May 14, 2012

Inflammation and Weight Loss

Original Article @ David Ogdens Blog

Nopalea Cactus Juice
Reduce Inflammation Naturally

though inflammation medications are widely available, they each come with their own set of risks and potential side effects. so how can we help reduce inflammation naturally? the answer is simple though implementing it can take willpower and determination : lifestyle changes.

thought they might sound a familiar litany of "remedies", a balanced nutritious diet, exercise and stress reduction can go a long way to reducing inflammation in the body.

  • Anti-inflammatory diet - just as certain chemicals are pro- or anti-inflammatory so too are certain foods you need to load up on anti-inflammatory foods like colourful fruits and vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower. research gas shown that compounds in these vegetables reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines.

    Also include legumes, nuts, healthy fats such as olive oil, and fish in your diet. the Omega-3 fatty acids in cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines provide the building blocks it needs to make anti-inflammatory hormones. whole grains should also be a staple in your diet: a study of overweight people found that those that ate whole grains versus refined grains such as white bread, pasta and rice, reduced their blood counts of C-Reactive protein (a marker for inflammation by 30%

    Spices such as curry and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties as do green ,white and oolong varieties of tea. avoid processed and junk foods, saturated fats and Trans fat all of which can be pro-inflammatory.

  • Activity - the benefits of exercise have been well documented and now include reducing inflammation. After you exercise your body creates more free radicals. then your body makes and uses more anti-oxidants which ultimately work to reduce inflammation. Plus fat cells are inflammation-making -machines, so losing weight an reduce this source of inflammation.

    Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, however do not over do it as exercise regimes of more than 30 minutes can be pro-inflammatory.

  • Stresses Management - Stress hormones contribute to the "fire" of inflammation and can increase your belly fat (see yesterdays post). Practice stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga and massage to bring the stress under control. Exercise is in fact a great stress buster. also be sure to get plenty of sleep each night as lack of sleep can stress the body.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
trivita [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Marketing Your Business Tips

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Keywords and Search Results

I was in the Warriors forum today and someone was proudly boasting he had his site at no one in Google for his local cleaning company. but he complained his description was rubbish.

The reason being he had forgotten to add metatags to his site. Without metatags Google does not know what you want to display. you must remember to spend a little time setting up metatags on any site where you have access.

Google and other search engines are always seeking to present the results you are searching for, which is great however you need to ensure that when you are researching keywords or looking to find on what page your site appears to log out of application such as Google+.

For many years I have had a top ranking site for Lose Weight USA usually in the top 3 out of 80M but if I am logged into Google+ I have positions 2,3,4 and I also show as position 10 for weight loss with 210M results...great for the ego but not for business.

Matters can be further complicated by using local searches say for the Philippines where of course by site would not appear in results.

Another useful tool to use when researching keywords is Google Trends, which follow news items in this case you can clearly seen that items about weight loss are growing in popularity

Weight Loss trends

Not shown here are the links to the news items concerned, which one can follow in order to create extra content for your daily posts.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  RSS  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Controlling Belly Fat

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Science has known for some time that there is a link between the stress hormone cortisol and dangerous, deep belly fat. now it seems that reducing stress and concentrating on what we eat may help both lower cortisol levels and weight.

In a study a few months ago at the University of California, San Francisco, researchers found that women who had the biggest drop in stress also tended to have the biggest loss of belly fat. this deep abdominal fat called "visceral fat" is associated with a higher risk for developing heart disease and diabetes. The YSCF study, was published in the Journal of Obesity, and is part of ongoing research into how stress and cortisol are linked to eating behaviour, fat and health.

The study group comprised of 47 women who were chronically stressed and overweight or obese. without having any of the women count calories, study leaders trained half the group in "mindful": stress reduction techniques,and how to be more aware of their eating by recognising bodily sensations such as hunger, fullness and taste satisfaction. the other half had no special training.

Researchers used a scientifically-tested survey to measure psychological stress before and after the four month study, and recorded the women's fat and cortisol levels. among women in the treatment group, those who improved most in listening to thier bodies' cues, or had greater reduction in stress or cortisol, had the greatest reduction in abdominal fat. the non treatment group, on the other hand, showed no reduction in cortisol and they gained weight.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fastrack to Fat Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Ultra speedily fat reduction needs specific approaches which could strengthen our own wellness in addition to bodily seem along with it's a very important factor that will many people inside our globe really should analyse in relation to currently. Most people are inside the dim inside finding techniques to decline how much and they have a tendency to attain quite simple and insignificant results when making an attempt for you to reduce the human body fat.

This is certainly as a result of absence of important information and suited delivery inside approach of which demands being completed in a very extremely small period to the desired benefits. Being a conditioning aspirant, I've completed a great deal connected with trial and error along with listened to a whole lot regarding males and females about tremendous speedily weight-loss without having outcomes. It is in reality aggravating to ascertain yourself growing after which regressing because right now there is not the actual constant advancement you get when performing your strategy that genuinely operates. A few currently have performed the idea to obtain a few days and then, subsequent experiencing compact effects from the scenario, they give up and also begin exactly the same schedule that they ahead of. You will need lots connected with resolve by using a specific motivation to pull it off and pay attention to the particular alteration. You can actually next signific antly believe which it is usually possible.

There are elements that we have to think about to get a competent weight-loss any time we now have any long-term focus on. Ultra swiftly weight-loss will be something one specific really needs to be capable to require time throughout discovering into. A wonderful course of action to do it an activity that may preserve ones heart beat quickly; it doesn't matter if it happens to be undertaking several cardiovascular general activities including going for walks, bouncing, as well as almost any cardio exercise training training. Pertaining to males they've your choice to perform many weight lifting in order to difficult task their strength along with increase their own actual human body look. These routines may support anyone discharge this electricity in addition to surplus calorie consumption which you have eaten in the day. One need to targeted these kinds of energy to burn far more body fat in the entire body.

Consequently, another element to perform may be to be careful about your calories regarding very easily weight reduction being useful all over the morning. That implies you will need being on a diet plan. Lots of people usually do not would rather do that, however in case you ought to sweat off those extra you may need to only drink the critical calories you will need to have throughout the day. You will find foods that you just ought to keep away from in order to hold balanced as well as decline your body size. Simply because incorporate rapidly food in addition to sweet foods. Oil Raspberry Ketone along with sugars is normally superior for you personally yet just in case you bring them too much you may drastically boost weight more quickly than anyone anticipate.

Meal portioning may also be considerable to look out for now. Very speedy weight-loss is actually obtainable through acquiring A few to 6 smaller sized meals on a daily basis, versus the typical a few greater foods. The right important information may constantly cause a person for that suitable outcomes. You can actually alter your daily life today by transforming how you suppose as well as take action.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obesity Report

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

The influential Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a recent report which concluded that –

America's obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures - from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to, possibly, introducing a soda tax – to fix it
. The IOM refutes the idea that obesity is largely the result of a lack of willpower on the part of individuals. Instead, it embraces policy proposals that have met with stiff resistance from the food industry and lawmakers, arguing that multiple strategies will be needed to make the U.S. environment less obese producing. The IOM, part of the National Academies, offers advice to the government and others on health issues. Its report was released at the Weight of the Nation conference, a three-day meeting hosted by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Cable channel HBO will air a documentary of the same name next week.
"People have heard the advice to eat less and move more for years, and during that time a large number of Americans have become obese,"
committee member Shiriki Kumanyika of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine told Reuters.
"That advice will never be out of date. But when you see the increase in obesity you ask, what changed? And the answer is, the environment. The average person cannot maintain a healthy weight in this obesity-promoting environment."

A study funded by the Centre of Disease Control(CDC) and released on Monday projected that by 2030, 42 percent of American adults will be obese, compared to 34 percent today and 11 percent will be severely obese, compared to 6 percent today.

Another one-third of American adults are overweight today, and one-third of children aged 2 to 19 are overweight or obese. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index – a measure of height to weight – of 30 or greater. Overweight means a BMI of 25 to 29.9.

Obesity is responsible for an additional $190 billion a year in healthcare costs, or one-fifth of all healthcare spending, Reuters reported last month, plus billions more in higher health insurance premiums, lost productivity and absenteeism.

"There has been a tendency to look for a single solution, like putting a big tax on soda or banning marketing (of unhealthy food) to children,"
panel chairman Dan Glickman, a senior fellow of the Bipartisan Policy Centre and a former secretary of the Department of Agriculture, said.

The committee also grappled with one of the third rails of American politics: farm policy. Price-support programs for wheat, cotton and other commodity crops prohibit participating farmers from planting fruits and vegetables on land enrolled in those programs. Partly as a result, U.S. farms do not produce enough fresh produce for all Americans to eat the recommended amounts, and the IOM panel calls for removing that ban.

The IOM report also calls for making schools the focus of anti-obesity efforts, since preventing obesity at a young age is easier than reversing it. According to the most recent data, only 4 percent of elementary schools, 8 percent of middle schools and 2 percent of high schools provided daily physical education for all students.

The IOM report recommends requiring primary and secondary schools to have at least 60 minutes of physical education and activity each day. It calls for banning sugar-sweetened drinks in schools and making drinking water freely available. The report also urges that healthy food and drinks be easily available everywhere Americans eat, from shopping centres to sports facilities and chain restaurants. The idea is that more people will eat healthier if little active choice is needed.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Marketing Your Business in the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Internet marketing in the Philippines

Like many Asian countries the Philippines has many budding entrepreneurs, who struggle to start online businesses due to lack of money. Low end affiliate programs with an out lay of $5-10 per month is a favourite, however this type of program rarely provides help on how you should market apart from approaching friends and family, which is certainly not the surefire way to success.

So where can you learn to market and promote your business. Well marketing not only entails learning but also requires tools and additional outlays for purchasing sites and blogs, business leads, autoresponders for sending messages, conference rooms etc The costs will soon mount up so you should be prepared to spend another $30-60 per month which puts it out of reach of the average wage earner in the Philippines.

Is there a solution, yes I think there is, I have an introduction package to an online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers! which costs nothing to join.

You will be able to develop your own webpage profile complete with a blog and videos which you can use to both promote your business and communicate with like minded people and at the same time learn the tricks of the trade to successfully get started with advertising your business.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Take a look at my profile page

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Everybody wants to look good and beautiful. For this dream to be achieved many are willing to do virtually anything. They can go to any extent of starving themselves for long periods of time.

In order to look fit and perfect, one should not start any fitness regime without a proper research on that particular exercise program and also required is the time to spend on researching it. In general most of the weight loss programs are fake and end up with no good results and in turn they may lead to health problems also.

Junk food is very popular in this day and age. If we have more junk food more in our diet than the nutritious products, then we will jeopardise our health. Food items such as fruits, vegetables and grains eaten in sufficient amounts everyday make the digestive system work in a healthy condition. Moreover, protein intake helps the stomach feel full and can control blood sugar levels.

By eating slowly one can avoid overeating. That means we have to eat in smaller amounts and chew them slowly. Slow chewing allows the brain to send the 'full' signal before we can eat more than we need and save us consuming extra calories. Learn to lose more fat, replace calories from carbohydrates with calories from protein in the diet.

Alcohol consumption is part of life for a lot of people. Alcohol intake before eating is just dangerous for the digestive system of our body, means food that we eat will not be metabolised and is stored as fat. Further alcoholic drinks contain huge amount of calories that can turn into fats i.e., around the belly part.

Exercising regularly keeps you fit and abdominal exercise is very advantageous and effective in making you look healthier. For visible and better results more exercise is needed.

Finally, drinking of plenty of water (hydration)helps efficient functioning of body organs and hence for weight loss and healthy body.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Monday, May 7, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

South Beach Diet Review

The South beach diet book is founded on the premise that switching to good carbs stops insulin resistance and curbs appetite which leads to weight loss. Also, good fats protect the heart and prevent hunger. But this is hardly true as you will learn after reading this article.

South beach diet book offers a simplistic solution to weight loss. All you need to do is eat good carbs like whole grains, vegetables and beans instead of eating bad carbs like sugar white breads and potatoes.

South beach diet says, fast sugars are worst for dieters and slow sugars are good. And how are these foods classified as fast or slow? by the Glycemic index (GI).According to south beach diet, the food having a high Glycemic Index causes the blood sugar to spike (go up) immediately after having the meal, whereas the food with a lower GI does not drastically shoot up the blood sugar levels.

But this theory is only partially true. Yes, the foods with high GI are good for diabetics in helping them to keep their blood sugar levels in check, but contrary to popular belief, the glycemic index of a certain food is not the same. i. e. it depends on how the food is processed, stored, ripened and cooked.

Further, south beach diet is formulated on the premise that good carbs like whole grains have a low glycemic index and bad carbs like sugars, white flour and refined grains have a higher GI.


  • Bread is high GI whether whole wheat or white because it is made from finely ground flour.
  • Pasta is low GI, whether whole or white(thin languine has a high GI as compared to the thick one)
  • "Instant white" rice is low GI whereas "Uncle bens converted white" rice is high GI.
  • Take the case of sugars… Glucose is high GI, Sucrose is medium GI and fructose is low GI
This illustrates that recommending foods based on GI is confusing as well as misleading. On top of it all, there is no research to support the claim that the rise in blood sugar by eating high GI foods leads to high blood insulin levels, and that this leads people to overeat.

To summarise… there is no evidence to suggest that eating low GI foods leads to weight loss.

Now lets have a look at the south beach diet menu.South beach diet book claims that you won't feel hungry while on this diet. This is impossible considering the fact that some of the menus average only 1200 calories, which is too low not to feel hungry.

The diet encourages you to eat seafood, chicken breast, lean meat, vegetables, whole grains, some fruits, beans, low fat cheese, nuts, oils and whole grains. fatty meats, high fat cheese, refined grains, sweets, juice and potatoes.

The choice of foods in this diet plan are somewhat healthy compared to other leading diet plans like ATKINS but restricting the consumption of carrots, bananas, pineapple and watermelon is the worst part of south beach diet.

The meal plan consists of three phases:

Phase 1 of south beach diet:
You are allowed to eat normal size helpings of chicken, meat, turkey, fish and shellfish, vegetables, eggs, cheese and nuts. You can have three meals per day. Desserts, coffee and tea are also allowed.

But for the first 14 days you are not allowed to eat bread, rice, potatoes, pasta or baked goods and even fruits!

Phase 2 of south beach diet:
You can slowly begin to reintroduce carbs into your diet again. The diet advises you to take all the forbidden foods in phase 1 like bread, pasta, fruits etc . in moderate quantities but at the same time not as much as you were having before.

Phase 3 of south beach diet:
This part is the most relaxed. Dr . Agastson says that you can now forget that you are on a diet. He says that now onwards it is just a healthy lifestyle you are used to, and going to adhere for the rest of your life.

All in all, south beach diet is one more money spinning fad diet for the creator of this weight loss program and a psychological prop(support) for people who are always hopping from one diet to the other in search of a Hollywood like sexy body.

The initial weight loss caused by this diet is on account of calorie restriction and not because of low Glycemic Index or an invisible switch as Dr . Agastson's marketing language wants you to believe.

Your health could be 100 times better without south beach diet weight loss program, if you choose healthy foods like green vegetables, whole grains, fiber rich foods and vegetables.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Today if we turn and look at the people around us we will find that the majority among them,50-60% are facing the problem of obesity and they are not willing to shed extra pounds from their body as they think dieting is the only way to get rid from this problem. But this is not true at all.Apart from dieting there are many ways or we can say effective ways to loose weight that too in less time as compared to dieting.

Dieting is not bad or harmful we can say but people take this term in wrong way. Mostly people think that in dieting they have to skip meal and only eat diet food. Yes you have to concentrate on your food but its not right to skip meal. If you think scientifically if a person skip meal in afternoon and directly eats dinner, he will eat more at that time as compared to normal time. Human can't control their hunger. At one point they need something to eat and that too in sufficient amount which can control their hunger. So what the use to do dieting. One day you do dieting and another day you eat in double amount. There will be no result of your dieting on the contrary you will get sick. what you need to do is a lifestyle change. If you want a lifestyle change check out these ways which are actually being done to lose weight and consider under dieting:

  1. Eat smaller portion of food in every short intervals.This will help you to combat your hunger also and maintain your body too.
  2. Try to drink lots of water. Water is effective in many ways. So you should try to drink lots of water regularly and especially with meals.
  3. Make sure you do exercise regularly. Here exercise doesn't mean that you should join gym and do workouts daily in the morning and evening. Joining gym is not affordable for all. Without joining also you can do exercise, in that you can do is to wake up early in the morning and do yoga or some aerobics or you can go out for walking and cycling. Cycling is the best way to loose weight and toned your body.
  4. Make sure that you control your eating habits, i.e. outside food. Snacks and junk food play the biggest role in obesity so try to reduce it. It is not like that you can never eat junk food but if you are eating once or twice in a week so shed it to once in a month. Once you will get habituate of it then you will never feel to eat junk food regularly.
I know to follow the above steps might be difficult but if you are determined then first initial step will be difficult for you but after that you will feel fantastic.After sometime you will automatically feel noticeable result for sure.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Healthy Weight Loss

Some people lose focus when it comes to reaching their healthy weight loss goals, while others stay focus long enough to obtain their goals, and then fall off track. If you are reading this blog, you must have some desire to get fit. Below are 5 motivating tips .

  1. Getting fit is not about what weight loss program works best. It's not even about willpower. Getting fit is about your desire to do so. It's about how serious you are about really wanting to reach your goals. If your desire to drink your Starbucks Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappe (320 cal. for 12 oz.) is greater than you desire to get fit then try this. Write down the pros and cons of losing weight and getting fit. I'm sure the pros will outweigh the cons. Go over it each day to remind you of all the good that comes from getting fit.

  2. Imagine yourself reaching your goal. What you focus on is what you produce. If you set time aside each day to think about what it will be like once you reach your goals you will stay motivated. Focus on how you will feel, and how your clothes will look on you. Go back to your list of pros and cons and focus on the positive things on your list.

  3. Set a goal. No matter how much weight you want to lose, it can sometimes seem like a long road to travel. Don't overwhelm yourself by constantly thinking about how long it will take you to. Instead, set short term goals, which in return will help you reach your long term goal. For example, set a goal to lose 10lbs by your birthday, or any other occasion. My goal was to be swimsuit ready by summer.

  4. Treat yourself. There's no fun in reaching a goal with no reward in the end. Think about things that are really worth it to you, and set them as treats along your journey. Maybe a manicure or pedicure for reaching smaller goals, and a spa day for your major milestones.

  5. Many people get discourage when they don't see the results. I know for me, even though my clothes fit better, I looked in the mirror and I couldn't physically see the results. How did I get over this? Take pictures. Take a picture of yourself once a month so that you can physically see the changes/ Looking at what you used to look like next to what You look like throughout my healthy weight loss program will help you visually, and keep you motivated to keep up the good work.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream