Saturday, November 26, 2011

Healthy Weight Loss over the Holidays

Healthy Weight Loss
Unhealthy Holiday Season

Thanksgiving marks the start of the Holiday Season. And, as everyone loves to point out, it also signals the start of a long series of holiday feasts. Why is everyone so quick to complain about the holiday calories, and yet so quick to eat them? It's a sad cycle that is certainly not conducive to healthy weight loss: you hate that you're going to eat, you eat, you hate that you ate, and then you make a New Year's resolution to lose the weight. Couldn't we just skip a few steps and worry a lot less? There's nothing worse than to see this anxiety play out as someone heaps roast potatoes and gravy onto her plate at the table. Eat it or don't, but please do everyone a service and shut up about it!

How about just indulging a little bit? Eat the Christmas cookie, and maybe even two but then walk away. Indulge in that piece of pie (maybe even two…) after the big Thanksgiving meal, but be content not to eat the rest of the pie. Can you do it? Even further can you do it without agonizing about what you ate or about the rest of the pie that you didn't eat? Can you indulge (a little), enjoy, and then walk away? What's the worst that could happen? Some might say that the worst thing that could happen is to gain a few pounds. I say the worst that could happen is to go into self-hatred mode. I've been there—it's much easier to lose five pounds than it is to feel good about yourself after feeling like you've broken rules that don't even exist.

This holiday season, don't treat food as an enemy. Don't hate your body over a pound gained. Don't lose faith in your self-discipline over a piece of pie. The way I see it, we all have three choices: We can eat our pie in peace, we can peacefully choose not to eat the pie, or we can stress the hell out about whether or not to eat it.

Healthy Weight Loss
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

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