Thursday, April 12, 2012

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Original Article @ Lose Weight USA

Spring is here

Well at least in the Northern Hemisphere, so its time to get out and about and taking some exercise to lose weight. I now regularly use my bike about town when doing chores, such as paying bills or going to the bank or chemist. Add a backback and you can do small shopping trips, the extra weight helping you burn off the the calories you will be consuming later.

Spring cleaning is not something that everyone likes but add some music from a portable mp3 player lean to the beat and you will speed up your metabolism at the same time.

Your can also add exercises to your everyday chores, here are some ideas.

  • Do a few squats while doing dishes. (works on the buttocks, and legs. Great for obtaining a stronger lower body).
  • While dusting or wiping down counter-tops (or other surfaces) pull one leg back and hold it against your butt for at least 30 seconds at a time. [building hamstrings].
  • If it's gorgeous outside take a stroll, take the dog for a walk, pick up your kids from school [only works if it's nearby] on foot.
  • Hungry? Need something from the store? A great way to get in your daily walk is to walk to the corner store if, say, you're in search of a quick snack or refreshment.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Healthy Weight Loss  |  Leanology  |  Fast Track to Fat Loss   | FitFreeze Ice Cream

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