Sunday, December 4, 2011

Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss
Exercise for Weight Loss

One of the most difficult areas for healthy weight loss is to do with getting enough exercise, which will help you both lose weight and look better. now there are many different approaches

99% of people will never seek professional fitness advice. They will either rely on their peers, celebrities, various media outlets, or their own intuition to devise their fitness program. However what is needed is a simple exercise routine.

That said – reality is where we live and people will do what people do – so instead of going against the grain – let me go with it and provide a simple, easy to follow plan that will help you create your own program!

Firstly…. Plan for a repeating 4 day cycle.

Day 1 is strength training. Work the big muscles first – the muscles closest to the enter of your body (butt, back, hams, chest) - then work outwards towards your limbs. Focus more on the back of the body than the front. Do 8 exercises- 3 sets of 15 reps each at a moderate weight.

Day 2 is Cardio training to strengthen your heart. Bike, Swim, run – whatever you like. Just get your heart rate up and keep moving. Your intensity needs to get you breathing hard and sweating for a minimum of 20 minutes. Its no use just sitting on a bike and gently peddling.

Day 3 is fun or exercise class day. Take a yoga class, go for a walk, just keep your body moving and do something enjoyable and different.

Day 4 is rest and recovery day. No exercise. Let your body recover from the 3 days.

Things to remember:

  1. The gym is where you are going to get stronger and build more muscle…. not lose weight!!! Weight loss is a byproduct of the workout…as it speeds up you metabolism.. PROVIDED that you sleep well and eat right!!
  2. Plan for the long term – teach yourself to overcome the desire for quick fixes and instant gratification.
  3. Record your progress
  4. Warm-up properly before every workout. Try 5 minutes light bicycle then 10 minutes of dynamic stretching.

Healthy Weight Loss
Phone 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

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